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Aloha e komo Mai下载地址?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-08 04:54



热心网友 时间:2023-11-27 01:55

I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
Oh when you're down, you're feeling low
Got nobody by your side
It can be lonely and you want to only
Find a place, no need to hide
Just lay back you'll fit right in
You can make it all come true
'Cause there's always hope inside
And hope will see you through
Aloha... [Stitch:] Ji waba
You'll find the place that you belong
Ohana... A family to call your own
Where you feel at home
Everybody sing!
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] Maka maka
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
Now you can see, tookie ba waba
Nothing but these clear blue skies
Love it has found you, and when it surrounds you
It's just like paradise
Now the door has swung wide open
Now your heart has taken wings
Feel that magic in the air
Oh hear your spirit sing
Aloha... [Stitch:] Aloha
You'll find the place that you belong
Ohana... A family to call your own
Where you feel at home
Everybody sing!
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] iki baba
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch] Iki tooki nee ha [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Aka tiki baba [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Gaba ika tasooba [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Oocha [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Chika [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Miki miki coconut
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] Miki miki coconut
I lai la, Ua i la, No mala hini ohana
[Stich tries to sing along:] Ha a waki mai, no mala hini, tasoopa, tasoopa
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] Icky icky bo bo
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] Tooki ba waba
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] bye!!!


热心网友 时间:2023-11-27 01:55

I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
Oh when you're down, you're feeling low
Got nobody by your side
It can be lonely and you want to only
Find a place, no need to hide
Just lay back you'll fit right in
You can make it all come true
'Cause there's always hope inside
And hope will see you through
Aloha... [Stitch:] Ji waba
You'll find the place that you belong
Ohana... A family to call your own
Where you feel at home
Everybody sing!
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] Maka maka
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
Now you can see, tookie ba waba
Nothing but these clear blue skies
Love it has found you, and when it surrounds you
It's just like paradise
Now the door has swung wide open
Now your heart has taken wings
Feel that magic in the air
Oh hear your spirit sing
Aloha... [Stitch:] Aloha
You'll find the place that you belong
Ohana... A family to call your own
Where you feel at home
Everybody sing!
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] iki baba
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch] Iki tooki nee ha [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Aka tiki baba [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Gaba ika tasooba [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Oocha [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Chika [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Miki miki coconut
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] Miki miki coconut
I lai la, Ua i la, No mala hini ohana
[Stich tries to sing along:] Ha a waki mai, no mala hini, tasoopa, tasoopa
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] Icky icky bo bo
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] Tooki ba waba
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] bye!!!


热心网友 时间:2023-11-27 01:55

I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
Oh when you're down, you're feeling low
Got nobody by your side
It can be lonely and you want to only
Find a place, no need to hide
Just lay back you'll fit right in
You can make it all come true
'Cause there's always hope inside
And hope will see you through
Aloha... [Stitch:] Ji waba
You'll find the place that you belong
Ohana... A family to call your own
Where you feel at home
Everybody sing!
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] Maka maka
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
Now you can see, tookie ba waba
Nothing but these clear blue skies
Love it has found you, and when it surrounds you
It's just like paradise
Now the door has swung wide open
Now your heart has taken wings
Feel that magic in the air
Oh hear your spirit sing
Aloha... [Stitch:] Aloha
You'll find the place that you belong
Ohana... A family to call your own
Where you feel at home
Everybody sing!
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] iki baba
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch] Iki tooki nee ha [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Aka tiki baba [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Gaba ika tasooba [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Oocha [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Chika [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Miki miki coconut
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] Miki miki coconut
I lai la, Ua i la, No mala hini ohana
[Stich tries to sing along:] Ha a waki mai, no mala hini, tasoopa, tasoopa
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] Icky icky bo bo
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] Tooki ba waba
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] bye!!!


悲观的意思是什么悲观是什么意思 ...坐立不安的。还总想挠挠手呀、胳膊什么的。这是怎么回事啊?是一种... ...胳膊肘麻,有时会麻到感觉大拇指根部疼,食指也有点... ...入睡感觉左胳膊从手腕到肩膀酥溜溜的酸,睁开眼又好了,什么原因... 胳膊上麻溜溜的 像是有小疙瘩 还很痒 有点硬 少量蔗糖,食盐,食油,食醋分别倒入一定量水中,并用筷子不断搅拌,观察... 将食盐 蔗糖 泥土 植物油与水混合 英文会计的provision对应中文会计的哪个词啊? 双人旁一个直一个心念什么,什么意思 白瓷有隙是成语吗 什么aloha协议啊?? aloha为什么下架了 板栗脂肪含量高吗? 电脑搜索不到蓝牙手柄 搜索不到蓝牙手柄 手柄蓝牙搜索不到怎么办, 决战平安京蓝牙手柄检测不到 我们在使用南京时恒NTC热敏电阻进行温度测量时需要注意什么? 这个南京时恒电子MF52型热敏电阻有啥特点? 采用南京时恒的PTC热敏电阻电辅热技术的空调和普通空调先比具有哪些优点? 南京时恒功率型热敏电阻的选用有哪些原则? 南京时恒功率型NTC热敏电阻的工作原理? 南京时恒NTC热敏电阻可以用于可充电电池里面吗? 南京时恒的NTC热敏电阻特性是什么? 南京时恒电子的NTC热敏电阻在测温中应用主要特点有哪些? 南京时恒的热敏电阻产品可靠吗? 南京时恒的PTC热敏电阻有什么特点? 南京时恒热敏电阻分哪几类? 南京时恒热敏电阻按作用能分为几种? 这个南京时恒电子热敏电阻与普通电阻器之间有何区别? 求Aloha-Heja He下载 纯正的夏威夷音乐而不是夏威夷风格,最好是原版的情歌,听起来很舒服的那种,哪里能下载 为什么我的海康威视录像机不能用*来查看录像,用萤石出现这个,怎么弄也不行 海康威视监控主机所有型号都可以用萤石云吗? 如何评价海康威视推出的萤石S1运动相机 想跳槽想求职有什么经验之谈,不胜感激。拜托各位大神 如何进入电力系统的求职经验分享 如何吸引人来公司面试 大三下学期怎样进行求职准备? 新到一个自己不熟悉的城市求职,要准备那些东西,和注意些什么东西?求有经验认识指教!!!!!!!!! 求职面试时要注意些哪些问题? 天津大学亚特兰大暑期项目面试经验分享 面试时如何谈薪水? YSL微博点赞是真的吗? 水滴屏是不是容易碎 日本意欲为何,一直反对韩国加入G7? 日韩围绕G7的“面子之争”具有哪些意义? 韩国综艺《青春不败》中的G7都是哪个组合的谁? 韩国的G7和少女时代是两个什么样的组合?谁有G7的资料 G7七国是哪几国?