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难忘的一节课 英语作文80词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 23:08



热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 20:01

难忘的一节课 英语作文:

This morning, I had an unforgettable English lesson. The bell rang and our history teacher came in. First he said that he was going to ask us some questions, and those who had not been asked questions recently would be asked first. On hearing this, I was very pleased, for I had been asked a question a week before. So I didn’t have to worry about anything.

But unluckily, I was asked again. But I couldn’t answer the question. At last with a red face I had to say sorry to the teacher. The teacher didn’t criticize me. How shy I was at that time! After class, I thought and thought and came to realize that I should make good use of time, and never put off what could be done today till tomorrow.




热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 20:02

This morning, I had an unforgettable English lesson. The bell rang and our history teacher came in. First he said that he was going to ask us some questions, and those who had not been asked questions recently would be asked first. On hearing this, I was very pleased, for I had been asked a question a week before. So I didn’t have to worry about anything. But unluckily, I was asked again. But I couldn’t answer the question. At last with a red face I had to say sorry to the teacher. The teacher didn’t criticize me. How shy I was at that time! After class, I thought and thought and came to realize that I should make good use of time, and never put off what could be done today till tomorrow.

热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 20:02

There were lots of classes in my life. Most of them happened in the school. However, the most important one which I couldn't forget was taught by an traffic accident.
It was a woderful Sunday. I went to a park with my friends. At that moment, the traffic light turned red. Most of people were waiting. But some of them chose to go across the street. It was a common thing in China. Fortunatly, a car knocked over a girl of those people who was watching her cellphone.
I was shocked. Please follow the traffice rules. Please be careful when you cross a street. It was an unforfetable but sad class.
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