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写一篇英语作文 题目:My House

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-08 01:01



热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 22:00

My home isn't just big but is very beautiful.
I love my home.That's why I can write the composition like this.[←_←这是一句万能句 英语作文中窝经常用
There are a living room, a dinning room and three bedrooms in my home.and there
Well……We love reading.My home has many books .There are over 3,000 books in bookshelf.some are my own books, the others are belong to my parents.
Hey!guys! You can see many photos on wall , they make my home more beautiful.
Each time I get home, I feel so warm. My home is beautiful and nice!
Do you think so?
PS:目测有一些单词写错了 → → 自己去改改单词吧,以及自己再凑点句子就差不多了 → → 真心不想再写了

热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 22:01

*真能装*, 给你回答了, 你还挑三拣四。我*姥姥

热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 22:01

My house
Look! This is my house. It's very beautiful! Look! There is a sofa in the livingroom. The sofa is red and white. I like red. And it's my favourite colour. And there is a big TV. On the TV, there is a photo. It's our family photo. Look! This boy/girl is me. In house, there is a kitchen, two bedrooms, a WC and lots of things.
Do you like my house? And what about you?


热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 22:02


热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 22:03

my house is very nice.
it is near our shcool.
my home is small but tidy and clean.
it has two bedroom one barthroom one kitchen and one livingroom.
i like my house very much

热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 22:01

My home isn't just big but is very beautiful.
I love my home.That's why I can write the composition like this.[←_←这是一句万能句 英语作文中窝经常用
There are a living room, a dinning room and three bedrooms in my home.and there
Well……We love reading.My home has many books .There are over 3,000 books in bookshelf.some are my own books, the others are belong to my parents.
Hey!guys! You can see many photos on wall , they make my home more beautiful.
Each time I get home, I feel so warm. My home is beautiful and nice!
Do you think so?
PS:目测有一些单词写错了 → → 自己去改改单词吧,以及自己再凑点句子就差不多了 → → 真心不想再写了

热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 22:01

*真能装*, 给你回答了, 你还挑三拣四。我*姥姥

热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 22:02

My house
Look! This is my house. It's very beautiful! Look! There is a sofa in the livingroom. The sofa is red and white. I like red. And it's my favourite colour. And there is a big TV. On the TV, there is a photo. It's our family photo. Look! This boy/girl is me. In house, there is a kitchen, two bedrooms, a WC and lots of things.
Do you like my house? And what about you?


热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 22:02


热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 22:03

my house is very nice.
it is near our shcool.
my home is small but tidy and clean.
it has two bedroom one barthroom one kitchen and one livingroom.
i like my house very much
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