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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-09 04:20



热心网友 时间:2024-01-28 07:52

The mother and her daughter in the film share a similar relationship to most of the families in reality. The world of the children is completely different from that of the alt; persistent dictatorship would only obstruct the natural development of the child. The paretnst should know and understand the personality of their children, and update their values so that they are keeping up with the time; they should trust their children and learn to understand and care for them. And the children should learn to think for their parents; and must understand their own youthfulness and shallowness at the same time.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-28 07:52

The mother and daughter in the movie as if the relationship of children and parents of the most families in reality. The childrens' world is different with alts' world,if you are quite gover,it may hinder the develop of children. Parents should understand the characters of children and improve the times concept,continully to study and process. At the same time,treat children as trust,learn to understand and care. However,children should make allowance for parents,simultaneously,children should have a clear realize of their young and superficialness.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-28 07:53

Of real life and as most of the families of children and parents. children and alts of the world from a wild, hampers the development of children. parents should understand the characteristics of children and to improve the time, learning and continuous progress in trust with children, to learn how to understand and concern. the children to make allowance for concern for parents, in her youth and superficial need to have a clear understanding of the
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