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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-10 20:50



热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 16:40

The Dazu Rock Carvings are a series of Chinese religious sculptures and carvings, dating back as far as the 7th century A.D., depicting and influenced by Buddhist, Confucian and Taoist beliefs. Listed as a World Heritage Site, the Dazu Rock Carvings are made up of 75 protected sites containing some 50,000 statues, with over 100,000 Chinese characters forming inscriptions and epigraphs. The sites are located on the steep hillsides within Dazu County (near the city of Chongqing, China), with the high points being the carvings found on Mount Baoding and Mount Beishan.

The earliest carvings were begun in 650 A.D. ring the early Tang Dynasty, but the main period of their creation began in the late 9th century, when Wei Junjing, Prefect of Changzhou, pioneered the carvings on Mount Beishan, and his example was followed after the collapse of the Tang Dynasty by local and gentry, monks and nuns, and ordinary people ring the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period (907-65). In the 12th century, ring the Song Dynasty, a Buddhist monk named Zhao Zhifeng began work on the elaborate sculptures and carvings on Mount Baoding, dedicating 70 years of his life to the project.

The carvings were listed as a World Heritage Site in 1999, citing "…their aesthetic quality, their rich diversity of subject matter, both secular and religious, and the light that they shed on everyday life in China ring this period. They provide outstanding evidence of the harmonious synthesis of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism."

The Three Gorges region is a scenic area along the Yangtze River in China with a total length of approximately 200 km. The Three Gorges occupy approximately 120 km within this region. Although it is primarily famous for its scenery, the Three Gorges region is historically and culturally an important region in China.
The Three Gorges region is located along the Yangtze River between the cities of Fengjie and Yichang in Chongqing municipality and Hubei province.

Currently the Three Gorges region is most famous for the Three Gorges Dam.

Qutang Gorge 瞿塘峡 8 from Baidicheng (Fengjie) to Daxi
Wuxia Gorge 巫峡 45 from Wushan to Guankou (Badong)
Xiling Gorge 西陵峡 66 from Zigui to Nanjin Pass (Yichang)
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