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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-10 21:20



热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 19:09

I'm majored in traditional Chinese painting,which is short for "Chinese painting" as to distinct from the western paintings.It is a form of painting cultivated in the representation and principal of art using unique tools such as writing brush and ink paint.Chinese painting divided into several catalogues according to its representation and tools,like Chinese brush painting,Chinese ZhongCai,Chinese Qianjiang,Chinese realistic painting,Chinese freehand brushwork and Chinese linear art.And it can also be sorted by its themes like figure painting,landscape painting and flower and bird painting.Chinese painting reflects the social conscience and appreciation of the beauty of our Chinese nation by its inner content and art desire, and it concentrated express the Chinese recognition of natrue,society and the relating policy,philosophy,religion and art.
In the last ten years,with the rapid development of our national economy,Chinese painting auctions has become popular in the world market.The number of cultural enterprises and galleries continuous grows, the press of the painting starts to boom,and so does the circulation of the painting among people.Especially last four years,the fashion of Chinese painting collection almost reaches its peak when almost everyone do the collection.The exhibition of Chinese painting also be regarded as the highlight and bellwether of market,all elites and masters starts to sprout there.As the market works so well,Chinese painting collectors feels indeed content and satisfied.But in recent years,because of the high yield of masters,and more foreign creations was brought up than the national ones,there graally emerges a risk in the collection market that whether the Chinese painting will stand the test of the time.And this risk is really omitted by most collectors today.
完全手翻,其中的重彩、浅绛都是音译,因为没有对应说法,你也可以自己意译,我不太懂这个。另外,你的洋务创新多于民族创新我也不太懂,我翻得是,and more foreign creations was brought up than the national ones,不知道对不对。最后说下你的第一句,中国画简称国画,这在英语里怎么译= =,纠结了好久,这篇译文是最大限度翻译原文的,没有什么个人修改,希望你满意。

热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 19:09

I majored in chinese painting.It is called 'chinese painting', so as to distinguish the different from the westen oil painting. It is also called 'traditional Chinese painting'.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 19:10

My major is Chinese Painting which is different from oil painting and other foreign paintings, and it is also shorted as "national painting". Chinese Painting applies the unique brush, ink and pigments according to the long-time manifestations and art forms. Chinese painting can be subdivided into water ink painting, heavy color, shallow, realistic, liberal style and line drawing according to the used material and manifestations. It can also be divided into fugure painting, landscape, flower-bird etc., according to the subject.
Chinese painting reflects the social consciousness and aesthetic taste of Chinese nation, which also reflects that Chinese 's consciousness about nature, society, and related politic, philosophy, religion, morality, literature and art.
over the past decade, as the development of national economy, so soud the market of Chinese painting was, literature enterprises, big or small galleries also boomed following this great trend, even the crazy collection of Chinese painting was already up to the satation of "all painting over then". Chinese painting display each year became the leading highlights, all the excellent work of renowed drawers were pull out one by one. While in recent years, as famouse drawer more than famouse work, the foreign creation more than national creation, wether so many paintings can stand among the time trial, which is not clear in the eyes of most collectors, the following dangers also appeared in the market unconsciously.

国画是 "national painting".

热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 19:10

My major is Chinese painting in modern times is different from the West entered the oil and other foreign painting and Chinese painting called, referred to as "painting." It is unique to the Chinese brush, ink and paint, in accordance with long established rules and forms and artistic creation out of the painting. Chinese painting methods according to their use of materials and performance, can be subdivided into ink, heavy color, Qianjiang, meticulous, freehand, line drawing, etc.; their subjects have figure painting, landscape painting, flower and so on. Chinese painting in the ideological content and artistic creation, reflecting the social consciousness of the Chinese nation and aesthetic embodies the Chinese people on the natural, social, and associated political, philosophical, religious, moral, cultural and other aspects of awareness.
Past decade, as national economic development, Chinese painting market, making the sound repeatedly, and cultural enterprises, the size of a camel active galleries look like a ck, and even painting the press has swarmed into the sky, the flow of people is a lively exception. In particular, nearly four years, the Chinese painting collection of hot almost reached "all the people all draw" the point, the annual market in China has become the vanguard exhibition highlight, the size of famous groups of the elite has to be introced and, therefore, really booming Chinese art market Let love all collectors smiling. But in recent years, more than the famous paintings, the Westernization of innovation than a new nation, and many collections of Chinese painting can stand the test of time, which in the eyes of most collectors are more vague, the attendant risks unknowingly collections in the market and graally.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 19:11

My major is Chinese paintings, modern for different from western input painting foreign painting and are called Chinese paintings, abbreviation "painting". It is used with the unique features of China's brush, ink and pigments, in accordance with the time-honored art forms and the law to create painting. Chinese paintings according to its using material and the ways of expression, and can be divided into ink, heavy variety, shallow Jiang, manners, impressionistic, uncluttered, etc; According to their subject matter and figuration, landscape painting, painting, etc. Chinese paintings in the ideological content and the artistic creation, reflects the Chinese social consciousness and aesthetic appeal, embodies the Chinese to natural, social and associated with politics, philosophy, religion, moral, theatrical aspects of understanding.
Over the past decade, with the development of national economy, Chinese paintings market of clap sound occurs repeatedly, the cultural enterprises, size gallery also favor wondrously perked up and even painting and calligraphy newspapers also swarm moves, folk circulation is lively abnormalities. Especially the past three or four years, Chinese painting collection hot reached almost "national painting" the point is, every year of Chinese paintings also became the market leader window, the size of the famous elite is batch successively to launch, therefore, the prosperity of Chinese paintings market really made hobby collectors all bright face. But in recent years, e to the famous paintings, more than westernization innovation, many Chinese national new collection can enre the test of time, which in most collectors eyes, the risk of subsequent more obscure unconsciously, market and collection of appears graally. The problem is additional:

热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 19:12

My major is Chinese paintings, modern for different from western input painting foreign painting and are called Chinese paintings, abbreviation "painting". It is used with the unique features of China's brush, ink and pigments, in accordance with the time-honored art forms and the law to create painting. Chinese paintings according to its using material and the ways of expression, and can be divided into ink, heavy variety, shallow Jiang, manners, impressionistic, uncluttered, etc; According to their subject matter and figuration, landscape painting, painting, etc. Chinese paintings in the ideological content and the artistic creation, reflects the Chinese social consciousness and aesthetic appeal, embodies the Chinese to natural, social and associated with politics, philosophy, religion, moral, theatrical aspects of understanding.

Over the past decade, with the development of national economy, Chinese paintings market of clap sound occurs repeatedly, the cultural enterprises, size gallery also favor wondrously perked up and even painting and calligraphy newspapers also swarm moves, folk circulation is lively abnormalities. Especially the past three or four years, Chinese painting collection hot reached almost "national painting" the point is, every year of Chinese paintings also became the market leader window, the size of the famous elite is batch successively to launch, therefore, the prosperity of Chinese paintings market really made hobby collectors all bright face. But in recent years, e to the famous paintings, more than westernization innovation, many Chinese national new collection can enre the test of time, which in most collectors eyes, the risk of subsequent more obscure unconsciously, market and collection of appears graally.
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