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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-10 21:40



热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 19:43

This paper introces a kind of based on FPGA taxi meter system function and design method. This design can realize the mileage billing, waiting time billing and total cost statistics, and can also give two passengers on billing, and then through the digital tube dynamic scan revealed mileage, waiting time and total cost.
This design with MAX + PLUS Ⅱ software development platform for the compilation, simulation, using the top-down hierarchical design method, the son mole with VHDL language programming realize, top-level mole use principle diagram of the input method to realize, finally downloaded to the EP1K30QC208 Altera company-2 chip, and through the hardware validation.
This design reference of hefei taxi billing standard. The FPGA chip and VHDL is language to programming, so the meter has the very strong portability

热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 19:43

This paper introced one kind based on the FPGA Taximeter system function and the design method. This design can achieve mileage charging, waiting time and the total cost of the statistics, and at the same time to two passengers for billing, and then through the digital tube dynamic scanning display mileage, waiting time and total cost.
The design of MAX+PLUS Ⅱsoftware as development platform compiler, simulation, using top-down hierarchical design method, mole with the VHDL programming language to achieve the top mole, using schematic input method to achieve, finally to download Altera 's EP1K30QC208-2chip, and through hardware verification.
The reference design Hefei taxi accounting standards. Using the FPGA chip and the VHDL language programming, therefore the meter is very strongly transplantable and practical value, and proct upgrade convenient.追问要你这样翻译我还不如直接用有道呢


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