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master,please help me

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-23 21:02



热心网友 时间:2023-11-27 02:40

1) round mode: will anti-clockwise round a fixed pivot mode, the Add Folder mode, and then fixed wheel nut locking mode.

(2) Folder mode:-mode fixed pivot out of the folder to folder mode Add, and then inserted to a fixed pivot. Adjust the folder mode: The mold base folder screws relax, and then manually selected mode of operation mode, press the button clamping, so that folder to the end of line mode (this time round mode and folder mode gap between the need), with mold base folder adjustment screw to adjust the adjustment screw mold base folder to folder mode with the wheels close together completely die. Press the back button operation folder to folder die back, and then Folder mode clockwise rotation adjustment screw 1 / 4 to 1 / 2 laps, and then Folder mode locking nut can be fixed.

(3) Guided-mode: The Guided Mode Guided-mode pedestal in place.
Guided-mode adjustment: The Guided Mode Block screws relax, and then manually selected mode of operation mode, press the button clamping, so that line to the end of Guided Mode, (this time round mold with the Guided-mode gap between the need for using folder mode to adjust the adjustment screw) to adjust the adjustment screw mold base guide to Guided-mode and wheel-mode completely close together. Folder by pressing the operation key back to back guide mode, and then Folder mode clockwise rotation adjustment screw 1 / 4 to 1 / 2 laps, and then guided mode locking nut can be fixed.
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