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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-23 21:02



热心网友 时间:2023-11-27 07:24

My View on Job-Hopping 范文一:
"You resigned again? What's your new job? ..." Job-hopping has become a hottopic among people, especially the young, and heated debates focus on it, as a result.

Many people are inclined to do one job in their lives. In their opinions, people who change their job frequently are supedicial and tactless. They believe that the only way'to success is to stick to one job, for constant practice in a professional field helps make an expert.
But there are still many people who will not agree. They argue that change means progress. If you're not satisfied with your present job, of course you have the right to replace it with a more challenging and better paid one. Every change is a step to further success. This idea may be the reason why they change their jobs so often.
For my part, I think it reasonable to change your job if you have a better opportunity. But once you have found a position where you can fully display your ability, you'd better settle down and put your whole heart into it. Only in this way, can you get the true joy of achieving your goals.

英语作文:job-hopping 跳槽范文二:
题目: 有些人喜欢始终从事一种工作,因为他们认为在一个领城工作的时间越长,业务就越熟练。有的人则不同,他们惯于跳槽,总是追求新鲜的、刺激性的事。他们似乎从不安于现状。有的人喜欢多挣钱、广结交,于是不断地跳槽。
people have different attitudes towards their work. some prefer to stick to one occupation as their lifelong career. these people are of the opinion that one can never do his work well unless he is devoted to only one job in his lifetime. topsage.com
so if one changes his job frequently, he will not get the necessary experience needed in his work.
others, on the other hand, like to change their jobs at times. in their opinion, people work in order to make more money. if they havea chance to get a better paid job, they will certainly try to get this chance. besides, if a person does only one job all his life, he will certainly be bored with it. my idea is that interest is the most important if one wants to excel others in his job. so if a person is not interested in his job, job hopping is normal and even necessary. otherwise, he will suffer from。。。

热心网友 时间:2023-11-27 07:24

body grows old merely by a number of year
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