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英语作文In the park 关于在公园里玩的

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-23 17:22



热心网友 时间:2022-06-08 21:10

Today is Sunday.There are many people in the park.My friend and I go to the park.Some children in play football.We play basketball.We enjoy ourselves.But we're tired and thirsty.We had some ice cream.I like the park.

2. (请使用there be句型)写简短的小作文:in the park I often go to park with my friends.There is a garden and many flowers on the park.My favorite flower is sunflowers.There are many grass on the park. We are piaying on the grass.There is a forest on the park.There...


3. 英语作文Inthepark关于在公园里玩的 Today is Sunday.There are many people in the park.My friend and I go to the park.Some children in play football.We play basketball.We enjoy ourselves.But we're tired and thirsty.We had some ice cream.I like the park.今天是星期天.有...

in the park英语作文 要求是小学三年级——六年级学过的单词加中文意思...

in the park.今天我和父母一起去公园玩,我看到了许多漂亮的花和大树,我享受和他们在公园里玩的时光 (应该要多少字的)


1. 有这样一篇作文,标韪是in the park My friend and I go to the park In Sunday,it's a sunny day,and the sight is also beautiful.In the park,you can find green grass and red flowers everywhere.People also do different things.Some people are flying kites ,having a run w...


英语小短文如下:1、Park Thereisaparknearmyhome.Therearealotofbeautifultrees,flowersandbirdsinthepark.Somanypeoplegototheparktoenjoytheirweekends.Theylikewalkingorhavingapicnicinthepark.ButIlikeflyingakitewithmysisiterthere.我家附近有一个公园。哪里有很多美丽的树、花和小鸟。所以很多人都喜欢到那里...


第一个:visit the park today.There are many people in the park.Some people are playing basketball,some are reading newspapers and others are taking exercise.There is a big lake in the center of the park.I go boating on the lake with my friends.How happy we are!第二个:...


一、I visit the park today.There are many people in the park.Some people are playing basketball,some are reading newspapers and others are taking exercise.There is a big lake in the center of the park.I go boating on the lake with my friends.How happy we are!二、A Day in...


in the park.Lision,many birds are singing the song of Spring.The grasses are very green and soft.The flowers are very beautiful,most of them have come out.The park is very lively.I like this,I like Spring!春天来了,在公园里,有很多小孩和老人在公园里玩。结果,许多鸟儿在歌唱...


写作思路:可以写在公园里,有一条条小路,小路上的人数不胜数。草地上长着顶天立地的大树等等。正文:In the park, there are many paths with countless people. In the distance came bursts of laughter. There are rows of neat fences on the side of the path, which is very beautiful....


My friends asked me to go to the park with them. We went to the park by bike, and brought some foods and fruits with us .The park was very quiet, and we saw many old persons sang songs or dance in it.We looked for a long time, then we went to see the beautiful ...

inthepark英语作文50字 inthepark英语作文6句 a park英语作文 my weekend英语作文 my father英语作文 my hometown英语作文 myfriend英语作文带翻译 英语作文《my dream》 my classroom英语作文
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