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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-23 22:45



热心网友 时间:2024-03-09 18:32


- Signed commercial invoice in 3 copies mentioning l/c no. and vessel's name., together with beneficiaries' declaration confirming that one set of non-negotiable docs. has to be sent to the applicant.

- 2/3 original clean shipped on board marine bill of lading issued to order and endorsed in blank, marked freight prepaid and notify the applicant.

- GSP Form A in plicate, issued and signed by the commodity inspection bureau in Shanghai.

- Marine insurance policy in plicate endorsed in blank for 110 percent of the invoice value against all risks & war risk,subject to CIC dated 1.1.1981. claims to be payable in Denmark in currency of the draft.

- Packing list in 3-fold showing color assortment of each art no., gross weight, net weight and measurement of each package.

- 1/3 original clean shipped on board marine bill of lading should be airmailed to the Applicant within 48hours after shipment effected, A tatement of the same is required in negociation.

- Beneficiaries copy of fax to the applicant, advising shipping details including name of vessel, voyage no. L/C no. B/Lno. quantity shipped, No. of packages, total amount, ETD/ETA, name of 2nd vessel (if possible) within 24 hours after shipment effected.

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: + Transshipment is allowed only in Hong Kong.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-09 18:33

- Signed commercial invoice in 3 copies mentioning l/c no. and vessel's name., together with beneficiaries' declaration confirming that one set of non-negotiable docs. has to be sent to the applicant.
- 2/3 original clean shipped on board marine bill of lading issued to order and endorsed in blank, marked freight prepaid and notify the applicant.
-三份正本提单中的两份,提单须清洁已装船,抬头做成“ to order”并空白背书,标明“freight prepaid”,被通知人栏填开证申请人。
- GSP Form A in plicate, issued and signed by the commodity inspection bureau in Shanghai.
-普惠制原产地证一式两份,由上海商检局签署。(你这是什么时候的证呀?commodity inspection bureau这样的单位已经不存在了)
- Marine insurance policy in plicate endorsed in blank for 110 percent of the invoice value against all risks & war risk,subject to CIC dated 1.1.1981. claims to be payable in Denmark in currency of the draft.
- Packinglist in 3-fold showing color assortment of each art no., gross weight, net weight and measurement of each package.
- 1/3 original clean shipped on board marine bill of lading should be airmailed to the Applicant within 48hours after shipment effected, A tatement of the same is required in negociation.
- Beneficiaries copy of fax to the applicant, advising shipping details including name of vessel, voyage no. L/C no. B/Lno. quantity shipped, No. of packages, total amount, ETD/ETA, name of 2nd vessel (if possible) within 24 hours after shipment effected.

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: + Transshipment is allowed only in Hong Kong.


热心网友 时间:2024-03-09 18:33

cashmeonline 水平不一般啊,O(∩_∩)O~ 我翻译了一下,如下:


- Signed commercial invoice in 3 copies mentioning l/c no. and vessel's name., together with beneficiaries' declaration confirming that one set of non-negotiable docs. has to be sent to the applicant.
- 签名的商业*(一式三联),*中需注明信用证编号、货船名称,并在*上做受益人声明,以确认一套非议付单据已寄给开证申请人。

- 2/3 original clean shipped on board marine bill of lading issued to order and endorsed in blank, marked freight prepaid and notify the applicant.
- 2/3正本清洁已装船海运提单,做指示性抬头空白背书,做运费已付标记并通知开证申请人。

- GSP Form A in plicate, issued and signed by the commodity inspection bureau in Shanghai.
- 由上海商检局签署的普惠制产地证一式两份。

- Marine insurance policy in plicate endorsed in blank for 110 percent of the invoice value against all risks & war risk, subject to CIC dated 1.1.1981. claims to be payable in Denmark in currency of the draft.
- 海险保险单一式两份,空白背书,按*金额加成10%投保,根据中国人民保险(集团)公司1981年1月1日海运货物保险条款投保一切险和战争险,用汇票货币在丹麦赔付。

- Packinglist in 3-fold showing color assortment of each art no., gross weight, net weight and measurement of each package.
- 装箱单一式三份,各款号下按颜色分类,注明毛重、净重及各包装尺寸。

- 1/3 original clean shipped on board marine bill of lading should be airmailed to the Applicant within 48hours after shipment effected, A statement of the same is required in negotiation.
- 装船后48小时内将三份清洁已装船提单正本中的一份空邮至开证申请人。议付时需提交一份已做上述行为的证明。

- Beneficiaries copy of fax to the applicant, advising shipping details including name of vessel, voyage no. L/C no. B/L no. quantity shipped, No. of packages, total amount, ETD/ETA, name of 2nd vessel (if possible) within 24 hours after shipment effected.
- 在装运后24小时内受益人发给开证申请人的传真副本,细节包括通知装船的船名、航次、信用证编号、提单编号、装运数量、包装件数、总金额、预计离港时间/预计抵港时间及第二程船船名(如有)。

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: + Transshipment is allowed only in Hong Kong.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-09 18:34

-三份正本提单中的两份,提单须清洁已装船,抬头做成“ to order”并空白背书,标明“freight prepaid”,被通知人栏填开证申请人。

热心网友 时间:2024-03-09 18:34

cashmeonline 说的基本都全了,只不过有一点说一下,提单单据提前给客户寄一份的话,这里面有风险,因为客户完全可以评一份正本提单和其他的通关单据去提货。这样就产生货款回收的风险。请注意一下。
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