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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 01:21



热心网友 时间:2023-07-30 10:45

My company was built in Augest 1992,the registered capital of 20 million Hong Kong dollars, is a Sino-foreign cooperative enterprises, the company is located in Rongcheng District Jieyang City Penrhyn instrial zone, covers an area of 60 acres, plant area of more than 30,000 square meters.

Have all kinds of modern factory more than 200 sets of equipment, workers, more than 1,500 people, technology development and proction management and more than 30 senior officers. The company has set up plants in nearly 30 years. Nissan various plastic company shoes, leather shoes, 150,000 pairs of shoes, from raw materials pelletizing, injection, shape, spray paint stick to the cold realization of one-stop proction. The company has an independent R & D department, continues to introce new procts. "LINNA Carolina", "crown-yi" and other brand PVC / TPR sole, leather and plastic slippers, sandals Shenzhou popular not only land, but also exported to the Middle East, Europe, America and Southeast Asia. The company since 2000, annual exports and domestic sales nearly two billion yuan.

连年被company as a "re-contract and trustworthy enterprise", "a major contribution to large taxpayer", "Bank of 3A class customer." Companies have to date been involved in real estate, e-science and technology, auto parts, business hotels, property management, financing guarantees, such as the field of school ecation, are graally diversified into the group.

Jieyang City crown and justice cooperation plastic Instrial Co., Ltd., will be the life of your most wise choice. Let us work together to cooperate and create greater glories, the world is a win-win situation!
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