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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-21 05:12



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 13:09

Hey ____,

I’ve received your letter, thanks for keeping us Chinese friends in memory!
或 I've received your letter, thanks for not forgetting your Chinese friends!


另外一点:给外国人写信,一般习惯直接把别人的姓名写在信的开头里,比如 “Hey Allen”, “Hi Shelley!” 等等。 如果用 “Hello, my dear friend” 之类的话,会让人觉得你们的关系比较生疏,可能导别人对你的影响不太好。所以我建议你在前面直接写 Hey ___, 或 Hi ___。而且这也是外国人写信的一种习惯;不管是写给公司里的董事长还是写个一个小员工,都会直接称呼互相的名字。所以一般自己收到信的时候也会希望别人直接称呼自己的名字,这样会让人感觉比较亲切。

I’m interested in hosting a music related platform (在这里我也不太确定这个“平台“到底是指什么,如果可以再稍微得了解一下,就可以更具体的翻译了。在这里我先用 “platform”,如果不适合的话,我可以稍后改) later on this year, so I hope you’ll remember to contact us then about working together on the project. We’re really excited to work hand in hand with you to further your platform’s pursuit of elegant music and prosper together. (以上有位答题者的句子里有 ”noble music“ 这个词, 我觉得这个不太通,英语里一般不会用 noble 这个词来形容 music)

May God bless you, and long live our friendship! (这句话我觉得上面 mmkk 翻译得挺不错的)

Sincerely yours,

~ ~ ~ 全文以下 ~ ~ ~

Hey ____,

I’ve received your letter, thanks for keeping us Chinese friends in memory!
或 I've received your letter, thanks for not forgetting your Chinese friends!

I’m interested in hosting a music related platform later on this year, so I hope you’ll remember to contact us then about working together on the project. We’re really excited to work hand in hand with you to further your platform’s pursuit of elegant music and prosper together.

May God bless you, and long live our friendship!

Sincerely yours,



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 13:09

hello, my dear friend. Thanks for your last letter. I am so glad you still remember us, your Chinese old friends.(如果是非正式信函,就不用那么多废话,外国人不喜欢太多寒暄)

I am planning to set up a platform, (不知道你的平台是什么意思,如果是网站,此处可换成 Website,如果是社团,可以说是group 或者 community, 如果是乐队,可以说band 等等) then we can unite and link with each other at that time. I appreciate your platform with the desiring of noble music. I hope we can make progress and create a bright future together.

your forever friend (其实建议写yours,什么永远啊,老朋友啊,中国采用,一句yours,简单又通俗)
Wish god bless you forever, and long live our friendship. (这句应该在yours之前)


hello, my dear friend. Thanks for your last letter. I am so glad you still remember us, your Chinese old friends

I am planning to set up a website,then we can unite and link with each other at that time. I appreciate your platform with the desiring of noble music. I hope we can make progress and create a bright future together.

Wish god bless you forever, and long live our friendship.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 13:10

Have received your letter! Thanks for your communicating with Chinese old friend!
I want to create a platform relating music, hope you remember to create a link with our platform timely, I hope that your platform and gracious pursue will improve with us and we are both prosperous.

Your ever friend: XXX

Wish you always surrounded by angel, your Chinese friends will be always with you!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 13:10

Hello, I've received your letter! Thank you remember China's old friend and friendship exchanges!
I want to set up a and music in this year of the platform, I hope you don't forget the old friend, can prompt and our platform league link, I hope very much that your platform and the noble music pursuit, and we advance together brilliant
Your forever friend: XXXX Wish the lovely XXX always have the angels in love, Chinese friends stand by you, forever!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 13:11

Hello, your letter has been received and thank you for having your old chinese friend in your mind and keep friendship with me!
I've got an idea in my mind to found a platform about music exchange and I wish you don't foget your old friend and contact our league in time.I appreciate your platform and the noble persuit of music and I wish you and me will make a bright future.

best wishes
your old friend xxx
Wish your lovely xxx always beloved of angel, your chinese friends will always be with you!

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