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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-20 21:48



热心网友 时间:2022-05-27 07:52

Talk less and do more.
In modern society, yet more, unknown to the public, isstead less, speak more, do less!
Don't know is full to try to digest is born with a long short mouth say, as long as there are people beside it tempted to denounce three accused Li four, like people is a bad boy, full of tricks despicable villain, he would become the the philosopher, saint, angels, a good man.
Talk less and do more C
Today that man is good to please people, can have a curry favour, jianfengshio, impossible to guard against, all things to all men. Tomorrow said the lazy and vulgar boring, is a hateful appearance and. The day after tomorrow, and said that such a selfish stingy stingy. In a word every day to the people commented, "nature is bad people, see not pleasing to the eye.
If you believe that science should understand this world there is no saints, the so-called "vulgarity" that is the beauty of human. In fact, as people are inevitably there is a tacky. Each mortal is a little Sunian, but some people were not so serious. Since it is a layman, also has a little fault set, but some fault harmless, some faults may harm others. People only pay attention to others others selfish and cunning idle away in seeking pleasure maybe this is normal, because they have a knack for their own way of life. Some people you can not interfere, because you are not right back at you, noble go. You may also have apple in front of the boss, you may also have to satisfy their appetite lust when you may use unscrupulous divisive tactics, but also in the family is difficult when you stand. You never do what you are shaking heaven and earth feat, an otherworldly, mortal character of the laity, why do you blame others, people do not speak. (good article read www.wenzhangba.com)
"Every bean has its black.", the ancients said yes, to all the people of the world the same perfect this is impossible. Do not force too much, it was only in vain. Demanding others can only live in trouble, because human nature is very complex, you can not ask everyone to blame.
Life is like everything so unreal short Life is like an empty dream.. Time in you and I am not infinite. The limited time for yourself, to do more and talk less, than themselves, less demanding others, don't talk to leave uncultivated the time on a boring thing, then your life will be beautiful.




  相信科学的话就应该明白这世上是不存在仙圣的,所谓‘超凡脱俗’那只是人类的美丽心愿。事实上作为人都是免不了存在一丝俗气的。每一个凡人都有一点俗念,只是有的人没那么严重明显。既然是一个俗人,也就定有一点缺点毛病,只是有的缺点毛病无伤大雅,有的缺点毛病会害人害己。别人狡猾别人自私别人只讲究吃喝玩乐也许这是正常现象,因为他们有他们自己的生活方式做人诀窍。有些人你是干涉不了的,因为彼此彼此,你也不会高尚到哪里去。也许你也有在上司面前溜须拍马的时候,也许你也有为了满足自己的食欲色欲 不择手段的时候,也许你也有在人家有难时你袖手旁观的时候。你从没做过什么惊天动地的壮举,你也只是一个食人间烟火,有凡人本色的俗人,你又何必去指责人家,讲人家的不是呢。(好文章阅读 www.wenzhangba.com)



热心网友 时间:2022-05-27 09:10

bring me the lantern
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