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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-21 02:43



热心网友 时间:2023-08-26 10:08

RELATIONS 和 RELATIONSHIP在表示两者(人 ,国家 ,ETC)关系这个意思上面,如果没有什么感情的意思是可以混用的。比如中美关系,两者都可以

THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ME AND MY FATHER,我和父亲的父子关系上的感情层面的关系,可以用好或者不好来形容
THE RELATION BETWEEN ME AND THIS MAN IS SON AND FATHER。表示一种客观存在的联系,就是父子联系。就没有好和不好的概念,因为它是客观存在的关系。


1. A logical or natural association between two or more things; relevance of one to another; connection:"the relation between smoking and heart disease"
2. The connection of people by blood or marriage; kinship.
3. A person connected to another by blood or marriage; a relative.
4. The way in which one person or thing is connected with another: "the relation of parent to child"
5. relations
a. The mutual dealings or connections of persons, groups, or nations in social, business, or diplomatic matters: "international relations"
b. Sexual intercourse.
6. Reference; regard: "in relation to your inquiry"

1. The condition or fact of being related; connection or association.
2. Connection by blood or marriage; kinship.
3. A particular type of connection existing between people related to or having dealings with each other: "He has a close relationship with his classmates".
4. A romantic or sexual involvement.

KK: []
DJ: []
1. 关系,关联[U][(+between/to)]
Their relation seemed quite close.
2. (国家,团体,人等之间的)关系,往来[P][(+between/with)]
They are anxious to develop friendly relations with their neighboring countries.
3. 血缘关系,亲戚关系[U][(+to)]
4. 亲戚,亲属[C][(+of)]
He had no other near relations.
5. 【婉】肉体关系[P][(+with)]
6. 【律】(导致起诉的)告发[U][(+of)]
7. 叙述[U][(+of)]
His relation of his adventure fascinated us.
8. 叙述的事,故事[C]

KK: []
DJ: []
1. 关系,关联;人际关系[U][C][(+between/to/with)]
The children learned about the relationship between the moon and the tides.
2. 亲属关系;姻亲关系[U][(+to)] : 3. 风流韵事;恋爱关系[C]
What is your relationship to the victim?

热心网友 时间:2023-08-26 10:08




1. Canada and Britain have established diplomatic relations with North Korea.

2. Britain threatened to break off diplomatic relations with the regime.


1. US-Chinese relations (Oxford Dictionary)

2. We seek to improve relations between our two countries. (Longman Dictionary)

3. The Chinese President has said the China will maintain its traditional friendly relationship with Bangladesh.

4. the special relationship between Britain and the US (Longman Dictionary)


1. Relations between workers and management are generally good. (Longman Dictionary)

2. I have quite a good relationship with my parents. (Longman Dictionary)

3. She has a close relationship with her daughter. (Longman Dictionary)

三、物与物之间的关系既可用relation(countable and uncountable),也可用relationship(countable and uncountable)。两个字完全互通。bear no/little relation/relationship to是一个固定词组,与…没有关系。

1. the relation between rainfall and crop yields (Oxford Dictionary)

2. the relationship between poor housing and health problems (Longman Dictionary)

3. The fee they are offering bears no relation to the amount of work involved. (Oxford Dictionary)

4. The lessons bear little relationship to the children's actual needs. (Longman Dictionary)

四、情侣关系用relationship(可数名词),性关系则是sexual relationship(可数名词)。情爱的关系不用relation。

1. She doesn't really want a relationship with me. (Longman Dictionary)

2. She's had a series of miserable relationships. (Oxford Dictionary)

3. Are you in a relationship right now? (Longman Dictionary)

4. He's never had a sexual relationship before. (Longman Dictionary)

五、有血缘关系的人=blood relation/blood relative(可数)

He could be the next-door neighbor, a friend, a blood relation. (Longman Corpus)


劳资关系=labour relations/instrial relations

1. a company with good labour relations (Longman Dictionary)

2. Nationalization in the transport instries proced neither outstanding instrial relations nor employee commitment. (Longman Corpus)

公共关系=public relations

1. public relations exercise是固定词组,指改善公关的工作。

2. The project has been disastrous for the bank in terms of public relations. (Longman Dictionary)

3. Newcastle manager Kevin Keegan looked upon the tournament as a public relations exercise rather than a moneymaking venture. (Longman Corpus)

4. The tour was considered to have been a successful public relations exercise. (Longman Corpus)

5. It has been a public relations exercise for this week's by-elections. (Longman Corpus)

种族关系=race relations

1. We need to do more to promote good race relations. (Longman Dictionary)

2. Community leaders are working to improve race relations in the city. (Longman Dictionary)

3. Hawaii has a tradition of good race relations. (Longmae Dictionary)


热心网友 时间:2023-08-26 10:09

RELATIONS 和 RELATIONSHIP在表示两者(人 ,国家 ,ETC)关系这个意思上面,如果没有什么感情的意思是可以混用的。比如中美关系,两者都可以

THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ME AND MY FATHER,我和父亲的父子关系上的感情层面的关系,可以用好或者不好来形容
THE RELATION BETWEEN ME AND THIS MAN IS SON AND FATHER。表示一种客观存在的联系,就是父子联系。就没有好和不好的概念,因为它是客观存在的关系。


热心网友 时间:2023-08-26 10:09


热心网友 时间:2023-08-26 10:10

缺土的宝宝女孩名字车姓 推荐一些带有成字的女孩名字 江姓婴儿名字大全女孩2024龙宝宝 陌陌的安全等级和财富等级是什么 如何提高陌陌等级? 冰箱旧了是不是很耗电 手机号收不到LINE的手机验证码怎么办 注册line连我账号收不到验证码 日韩服属于哪里 lineplay进入别人家能说话吗 relation 和relative 的名词词性的中文意思是不是都是“亲属”,有什么区别吗? relation是什么意思啊英语 relationship与relation意思的区别 relative和relation的区别? relation和relationship的区别 relation和relationship的区别? Relation 和relationship区别是什么? 倔强是二声还是四声? relation什么时候用单数什么时候用复数 relation是什么意思 猫眼一二三四线城市有哪些 求助男性胸部大的问题 2岁半的宝宝穿多大的鞋子 男人胸部大看什么科 男人胸大的原因和解决方法? 男生,胸部很大,怎么回事? 星期五被查出患有包皮*炎!被一个叫什么细菌感染了!包皮上起了一个泡! 医生建议做治疗把包皮割了。 你好请问一下包皮真菌感染吃什么药了消炎药有用吗 博人传:鸣人出招,九尾陨落,它什么时候能回归? 博人传里鸣人体内是只有阳九尾还是阴阳九尾都有? 英语中relation,relationship两者有什么区别? relationship什么意思 relationship和relation区别 新常态下医学生的机遇和挑战 作为医学生,应该怎样应对分级诊疗带来的机遇与挑战 新时代对医学生意味着什么 动物医学类专业的机遇与挑战 人口老龄化给医学带来哪些机遇与挑战 动物医学类专业面临的机遇与挑战? 谈谈作为医学生如何做新时代爱国主义最坚定的弘扬者和实践者? 陕西定向医学生新政策 tera出现脚本错误 奥迪q5后面的40是什么意思? yoyo画质助手虎牙任务遮挡的4个字答案 工作服上弄了好多油污,怎样才能去除掉 如何洗工作服上的油渍 我是一名机械维修师傅,我经常把工作服搞的黑黑的,发现积炭油污之类的在衣服上面很难洗干净。 谈判工资可以免交个人所得税 IU新歌空降日榜一位,她的影响力有多高? 小熊猫的作文