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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-21 04:46



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 22:34

应该是Genetic biological factors: the traditional genetic diseases; other diseases of genetic factors; biological risk factors; gene technology and the application of biological sciences
Environmental factors: physical (natural) environment; natural geology, geography, climate; room. Workplace environment and site conditions; air, food, water; social environment; socio-economic; social systems, social and cultural
Health service factors: the availability of health services; quality of health services; the price of health services; equity in health services
Behavioral factors: conct as a non-infectious disease risk factors; behavior in the transmission of infectious diseases; behavior and preventive care; behavior and treatment

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 22:35

Genetic biological factors: the traditional genetic diseases; other diseases of genetic factors; biological risk factors; gene technology and the application of biological sciences
Environmental factors: physical (natural) environment; natural geology, geography, climate; room. Workplace environment and site conditions; air, food, water; social environment; socio-economic; social systems, social and cultural
Health service factors: the availability of health services; quality of health services; the price of health services; equity in health services
Behavioral factors: conct as a non-infectious disease risk factors; behavior in the transmission of infectious diseases; behavior and preventive care; behavior and treatment

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 22:35

Genetic and biological factors : the traditional genetic disease; other diseases in which the genetic factors of pathogenic factors ; biology ; gene technology and the Applied Biological Sciences
Environmental factors: physical (NATURAL ) environment; natural geology, geography and climate ; the living room. The site environment and condition ; air, food and water ; social environment; social economy; social system, social culture
Health service factors : Health Services Accessibility; health services; health service price; the equity of health service
Behavioral factors : acts as a non infectious disease risk factors ; behavior in the spread of infectious diseases and preventive health care pathways ; behavior ; behavior and treatment

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 22:36

genetic biological factors
traditional genetic diseases
genetic factors in other diseases
biological pathopoiesia factors
applies of genetic technology and biological science
environmental factors
physical (natural) environment
natural substrate, geography and climate
place to stay
environment and conditions of workplace
air, food and water
social environment
social economy
social system
social culture
hygienic service factors
accessibility of hygienic services
qualities of hygienic services
prices of hygienic services
fair behavior factors of hygienic services
dangerous factors of behaviors as non-infectious diseases
transmission approaches of behaviors among infectious diseases
behaviors and health preprotection
behaviors and cures
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