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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-21 01:41



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 00:37

中文:我最爱的人是我的妈妈。I love my mother best.
我妈妈37岁,她很矮。 My mother is 37,and she is not very tall(直接用short不太好)
有一天晚上,我发烧了。One day eveing,I had a high fever
妈妈立即骑车带我去了医院。Mother rode me to the hospital immediately
在医院里,In the hospital
妈妈跑上跑下,mother run up and down
一会儿交钱,to pay money
一会儿买药,and buy medicine
后来我打点滴。Later,I take an intravenous drip.(口语里是take a drip)

妈妈就坐在我旁边等我。Mum just sit near me and waited for me
等我打完点滴回家时,天快亮了。Until I finished, The dawn was nearing.
Mum braced herself up and went to work.Thus, I love my mum best。


热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 00:38

I most love the human is my mother.The my mother 37 years old, she is very short.
The day evening, I had a fever.Mother rode the tire I to go to the hospital immediately.In the hospital, mother runs runs, a while makes a payment, a while buys the medicine, afterwards my injection.Mother waits for me on the seat nearby me.Waits for me to hit when the intravenous drip goes home, the day quickly shines.Mother strong spunks up, also went to work.Therefore I most love when human my mother.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 00:38

I most love the human is my mother. The my mother 37 years old, she is very short. a one day of evening, I had a fever. Mother rode the tire I to go to the hospital immediately. In the hospital, mother runs runs down, a while payment, a while buys the medicine, afterward I had an intravenous drip. Mother sits nearby me waits for me. Waits for me to fire off when the intravenous drip goes home, the day quickly shines. Mother strong spunks up, also went to work. Therefore I most love when human my mother.
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