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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-21 00:36



热心网友 时间:2022-05-21 00:44

A:Hi, How are you doing? My name is Minggang.
B:Hi, I'm doing well, thank you for asking. My name is John. Nice to meet you.
A:Nice to meet you too. So, ah, I heard you are from USA. Are you an international student.
B:Yeah, I am studying here for my PhD.This is my second year in China.
A:Oh, good for you. Are you getting used to your life in China, your know, some time it is a little bit hard for western student.
B: Yeah, you're right, it is hard, because of the culture difference. I was growing up in US, and it is my first to study abroad, so I guess it still takes me some more time to get used it.
A:what is the most difficult thing for you to live here? Perhaps I can help you out.
B:Oh, really? That's sweet. I guess the most difficult thing is the language. I am studying Chinese, but still, I can understand little about it. It drives me crazy. Why is it so hard, by the way.
B:I think it's hard because you are studying it as a subject instead of a language. If you can learn Chinese culture first, then it is gonna be much easier to learn the language.
A:I think you are right, some time I found the language you guys are talking is totally different from the text book.
B:I can totally understand it, I happend to me when I learnt English before. I think you'd better to meet some chinese guys and talk to them in Chinese. Language is just a part of culture, my friend.
A:Exactly. Thank you for your advise.
B:Oh, it is all right.
A:You know, it is not only the language, I also feel confusing about why there is few coffee shops around campus.
B:Oh,it is killing you,isn't it? I guess it is because coffee is not a piece of Chinese culture. We drink tea basically. But if you want, I know a place which serves best coffee in the town, and it is not far from here. I can take you there.
A:Really? That is great. Are you free now, I guess maybe we can go there and have a cup of coffee. Hey, it is on me.
B:It sounds good, let's go. But I think it should be on me, coffee is not our culture, but hospitality is.
A:OK, but let me treat you next time, cause hospitality is our culture too.

Good luck!

热心网友 时间:2022-05-21 00:44

hi .how are you
i come from usa.can you tell me sth about the culture your country
oh.china is a beautiful country.it has a long history and have a lot of famous places...
oh.thank you very much.i am glad to meet you
me too
my brother is calling me .goodby

热心网友 时间:2022-05-21 00:45

College Life。

a: Mary looks miserable today, doesn't she?

b:Yes,she does. She flunked physics and barely passed math.

a:Oh,sorry to hear that. Physics is always a pain in the neck.

b:We are in the same boat. Physics is not my favorate,either.

a:How did you fare in your math test?

b:I scored only 70.

a:That's not bad.

b:How did your rensentation go?

a:Awful! I was so nervous that I forgot all my lines! I have been brain-dead. Luckly, I 'll have a chance in the early April.



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