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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-22 17:38



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 06:09

有一定难度,考点主要是搭配。除了15不太确定,其他都差不多。第4个在定语从句中充当宾语比主语的可能性更大,否则scored加d不太讲得通(I think是现在时,谓语怎么可能会是过去时?如果看成宾语,则scored就是宾补,表示被动),所以选whom。16题出得不好,语法上BCD都可以,就看它需要表达哪个意思,而且be known as也可以表示以...著称。感觉D更合适,意思是,他以诗人著称,而不是作家。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 06:09

B kill time 消磨/打发时间

B stop doing sth 停止正在做的事

D in no mood 没心情

D 考查定语从句,先行词是the boy, i think是定语从句中的插入语,who在定语从句中  作主语。

A  句型be particular about 讲究;对…挑剔

B   consequently adv. 因此;结果;所以

A take action 采取行动



B  involve in 参与;涉及;卷入,陷入

D   V-ing用来形容事物



C set up a new world record 创造一个新的世界纪录



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 06:09

1. (单选题) Quite a lot of people watch TV only to _B__time.(本题2.0分)
A、 pass
B、 kill
C、 waste
D、 spend
2. (单选题) Imagine _B__with someone who never stops ___practical jokes on you.(本题2.0分)
A、 to live, to play
B、 to live, playing
C、 living, to play
D、 living, playing
3. (单选题) my mother seems to have something on her mind and was _D_ no mood to look at my school report.( )(本题2.0分)
A、 at
B、 of
C、 with
D、 in
4. (单选题) Edward is the boy _C__I think scored the winning point for the basketball team.(本题2.0分)
A、 that
B、 what
C、 whom
D、 who
5. (单选题) John was never particular __A_ the food his wife served.(本题2.0分)
A、 about
B、 of
C、 for
D、 to
6. (单选题) The rain was heavy and __B_the land was flooded.(本题2.0分)
A、 consistently
B、 consequently
C、 constantly
D、 continuously
7. (单选题) before the problem grows into a big one, we have to take__A___. Or we will suffer a great loss.( )(本题2.0分)
A、 action
B、 act
C、 acting
D、 activity
8. (单选题) The writer has listed why cloning is not feasible to be __D_on humans.(本题2.0分)
A、 amended
B、 adopted
C、 adjusted
D、 adapted
9. (单选题) See you later. Jenny. I'm glad __C_ with you for six months.(本题2.0分)
A、 to work
B、 to be working
C、 to have worked
D、 to having been working
10. (单选题) Some people consider it unwise to _B__themselves in a quarrel between husband and wife.(本题2.0分)
A、 participate
B、 involve
C、 combine
D、 associate
11. (单选题) The boy said to his mother in an __C_ voice that she shouldn't have blamed him.(本题2.0分)
A、 injury
B、 injurious
C、 injured
D、 injuring
12. (单选题) he thought the painting was of little , so he let me have it for only ten pounds.(D )(本题2.0分)
A、 cost
B、 value
C、 price
D、 expense
13. (单选题) the latest development of the manned spaceship was___A__ to the media yesterday and make all of us excited.( )(本题2.0分)
A、 released
B、 relieved
C、 removed
D、 relaxed
14. (单选题) He is training hard, hoping to__C_ a new world record.(本题2.0分)
A、 set off
B、 set aside
C、 set up
D、 set out
15. (单选题) _B__from the European continent, England had been in close contact with the outside world.(本题2.0分)
A、 Because cutting off
B、 While to be cut off
C、 Although cut itself off
D、 Even if cut off
16. (单选题) He's widely known more __C_a poet than ___a novelist.(本题2.0分)
A、 for,to
B、 for,as
C、 as,for
D、 as,as

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 06:10


热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 06:11

people watch TV only to
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