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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-23 02:01



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 22:35

Fighting? What's fighting?!What for? Every man in the world may go to fight,for peace,for freedom,or just for rage. These days I watched some excellent movies which received many awards in their times. Yesterday,I just finished watching Brave Heart.The excellent movie did gain tremendous achievements in those days .For instance,it was awarded Best Cinematography,Best Director,Best Effects, Sound Effects Editing,Best Makeup,Best Picture in Oscar (奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳摄影、最佳音乐、最佳化装五项大奖) and so on. The acting is amazing, and the ending was brilliant.Everything that happens in this movie is unpredicted,such as Murron's death,William's participation in the battle,the reneging of Robert which caused by his father actually,and so on. The amount of courage and bravery was inconceivable.I do respect for those heroes's courage very much.However, I was shocked by their unjustice death.They did not deserve so miserable a way of dying!! I hate Robert's father.The old man is really rascal! He broke his son's promise to William not only once,and it's he who brought William to death! Fortunately,the young leader,Robert the Bruce,was able to lead the fight for the scots freedom at last.Thanks for his bravery and justice. In addition,I respect the courage of other captains as well,such as Hamish.They fight for their sire,their grate William Wallace,the macaulish! Furthermore,when Iooked deep into their eyes, it remind me of the fight between Naruto and carra.I was surprised to find the same meaning in the eyes of these brave fighters! I admire them! I am so aflame in my heart after watching the movie that I hardly calm down,let alone to go to sleep... Brave Heart,as valiant as heroes! I will treasure the precious movies up.
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