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各位高手帮帮忙!我要写一份两分钟的演讲稿“how to be a hero like superman"

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-23 02:00



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 22:11

 小时候,我总幻想自己是一个宇宙大英雄――超人,为人们排忧解难,维护正义,假如我是超人……   假如我是超人。我漫游在天空中,与小鸟纵情高歌,与蝴蝶翩翩起舞。忽然,黄沙卷起死回生,尘土飞扬。我用火眼金睛一看,哎呀!这是什么地方呀!怎么一片荒漠,狂风中还夹着绿州上空,小心翼翼地降落下来。我问当地的老者:“老爷爷,这是怎么回事?怎么外面到处是荒漠呀!”“唉!你有所不知。”老者摇头晃脑地说:“本来这里是一座绿色的大城市,可是由于们们乱砍伐树木,污染水资源,一年的时间,这里就变成了现在这副模样,只剩下一小块可以生活的地方……”说着说着,老者不禁留下了眼泪。“老爷爷,您不用担心,我会给您一个满意的大城市!”刚说完,便腾云驾雾飞到荒漠上空。我用手轻轻一挥,念道:“把荒漠变成绿洲吧!”一转眼,荒凉的沙漠就变成了景色宜人的大绿洲。那位老者看神话般的家张,双腿跪下,对着西方,大声说:“感谢上帝呀!”后来,我听别人说,那座城市的人们经过这次教训后,不再乱砍乱伐,而且积极栽树,成为了世界的绿化模范城市。我听着,心里美滋滋的。  假如我是超人,我来到大森林里,本来准备在这度上一个愉快的暑假。也不例外。我又来到小河边,“人类看到我们身上的皮毛值钱,我们无处可逃只好……”“假如我是超人,我会为世界作理更大的贡献。让世界变得更美好。 A child, I always fantasize about the universe is a big hero - Superman, for people to solve problems, to maintain justice, if I was Superman ... ...
If I was Superman. I am roaming in the sky, with birds singing heartily, and butterflies dance. Suddenly, the yellow sand roll back from the dead, the airborne st. I used the eyes that look, Oh! What is this place 呀! How a desert oasis sandwiched also winds over the land down carefully. I asked a local old man: "Granddad, how is this going on? How the outside is full of desert 呀!" "Oh! You may not know that." Yaotouhuangnao old man said: "Originally there was a green city, but because They are indiscriminate felling of trees, pollution of water resources, a year's time, here becomes a pair of look like now, leaving only small can be the next place to live ... ... "she spoke, the old man could not help but leave tears. "Granddad, you do not worry, I'll give you a satisfactory big city!" Has just finished, then clouds flying over the desert. I hand gently strokes, read: "The oasis in the desert into a bar!" A blink of an eye, a desert, became a major scenic oasis. The old man's home looking fabulous sheets, legs and knees, facing the West and says loudly: "Thank God!" Later, I heard people say that people in that city after this lesson, not hacked indiscriminate cutting, but also actively planting trees has become a green model for the world. I listened to my heart thus elatedly's.

If I were Superman, I came to big forest, originally intended to this degree on a pleasant summer holiday. Is no exception. I went to a small river, "Human body fur to see our worth, we had nowhere to go ... ..." "If I was Superman, I will be grounds for the world to make a bigger contribution. To make the world a better place.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 22:11

What are those unique qualities we call bravery; those almost subconscious qualities that we can't readily put our fingers on whenever we see a hero in action, but somehow recognize every time someone does something out of the ordinary? It's almost as if what they do is superhuman, yet their qualities are far from that, they are qualities we all have to one degree or another - it's only a matter of perfecting them.The most important quality of heroes is being present. Not much is going to get past them. When it is time to act, a hero can't be lost in personal thoughts or concepts; he or she must be street smart, which is the opposite of being academic. Being intelligently and fully in each moment protects the hero from missing what is going down and making false assumptions, because false assumptions are followed by flawed actions.A hero questions things, all things, and is not one to believe blindly or be easily fooled. A hero is never a sheep, and although he or she might act like one to fit into society somewhat, down deep, they are fiercely independent.A hero is always involved. There is a certain power and energy about them, and an untiring resolve because of their passion, which is justice, fairness, and truth.If there is one other thing that defines heroes, it's delight. They find great delight and joy in doing what in their hearts is right, regardless of their own safety. And what is right for a hero never involves hatred, resentment, fear, or jealousy in their hearts. They would never find delight or joy in harming anyone in any way, and only think of helping. If their ties involve harming others to protect the innocent, the harm done is always regretted.Their actions exhibit a certain internal stillness in the face of grave danger. This can only come from a deep understanding of what they are and a coming to terms with that. Afraid of being hurt or making a mistake does not resonate with a hero -- they will act as if they don't even exist. All that exists is the challenge before them, and because they see so clearly, there is no reason for nervousness or hesitation. There is only the direct action that involves them fully. As far as a hero is concerned, to die one death completely, right now, is far better than worrying about dying a thousand cowardly deaths over a lifetime.Common distractions, such as fear of death or fear of danger never distract a hero. A true hero concentrates intently on only what they are facing now, and nothing else, and is never concerned about the outcome.A hero's composure takes attentiveness a step further. Not only is a true hero calm, but unattached to the results of his or her actions as well. Worrying about losing or winning would take a hero's eye off the ball and could prove deadly.Watchful, inquiring, energetic, joyous, internally still, attentive, composed-- these are attributes of a hero, and qualities that we, ourselves, can develop. The most direct way to develop them is to conquer our own minds, because until we conquer our own minds, we can conquer nothing else of consequence.
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