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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-18 15:38



热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 03:10

Hi there, very sorry to trouble you, I used plastic bottle plus shrink wrapper, and paper wrap outside, besides I put them in a paper box. I don't know why this happened, this is the first time we found this. I will talk to the delivery company now.

There is another important question, once you found leaking you should notice me as soon as possible and you can't just sign and receive the parcel. I don't know why you had signed that on 6th Sep but you told me there was something wrong on 14th Sep? Plus look at your pictures, the jar didn't look like it was damaged, if it was leaking, the whole box would be soaked of inflammable liquid, and it would be impossible to pass the customs. In my opinion this might be your employee's fault to damage this jar. So they just show you the pictures instead of the whole package and throw away the wrappers, and told you it was received on 13th but in fact it was 6th.

Now the emergency is to check the black ink is still there, and have you already thrown away those wrappers ? if havn't, you can use the camera to reflect the pot which was wet by the black ink, all those ink printed on the paper and plastic are colourless, then could reflect white light from camera. Those one with different printing method would make the black become colourless or make colourless become white.

If you sure this is the ink you are after, I will give you 1 kg free when you order more than 3 KG, and the shipping fee is on me.

At the end, please ask your employees clearly, because the package I used to use is just a bottle and never got anything wrong before. So I'm 100 percent sure the packaging is fine, if it broke, wouldn't be that way just a little leaking on the paper.

Waiting for your further reply.



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