商务英文翻译 急
发布时间:2022-05-18 04:30
时间:2023-10-09 06:56
Dear Mr./ Ms.
It is so great that we could work together for the same goal in the future, and thanks for the co-opearation from all of you.
btw, to Kim:
thanks you for the market information. I will contact you if we need further info. For a better result, I will also send you a time schele latter on from my side.
should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at xxxxxx.
best regards,
时间:2023-10-09 06:57
Greetings to you. I am happy that we can work together in future. We appreaciate your cooperation and wish to work together to achieve the same goal happily.
Thank you for the market information, KIM. I will inform you if I need further request after I analyse. In order to work better, I will send you the time table within these few days.
Thanks again.
时间:2023-10-09 06:57
Hello everybody. It's my pleasure to work with you for the same target. I really appreciated your cooperation very much. Hope we can get along well in the future.
Thanks KIM for your latest market information. I will give you more feedback after I study on it. For your reference, I will also send you a schele soon.
Thanks and Best Regards,
“business ”泛指所有的营生、生意,另外也有“事业”的意思。“commercial”特指买卖交易,商务活动。3、但是二者在日常使用上也有相同之处,比如“商务代表”翻译成 “Business Representative”或者“Commercial Representative”都可以。
紧急的英文翻译是“Urgent”。详细解释如下:在英语中,“紧急”通常被翻译为“Urgent”。这个词在多种语境中都可以使用,例如紧急情况、紧急事务、紧急需求等。在国际交流、商务场合或者日常生活中,当我们需要表达某件事情很紧急时,常常会使用到“Urgent”这个词。比如,在邮件中,我们可能会写“This is...
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所以我觉得~~商务英语是:business english 经贸英语是:trade english 因为你说的这两个也都跟国际有关系吧,所以都可以叫international business english或international trade english吧~~呵呵
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