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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-18 04:30



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 06:57

Environment is the soil of human survival, for their own existence and development, human need to protect the environment. The existence of human beings for their own development environment is modified competitive Tin Chak, beyond reproach. Instry is well-developed human development and is inevitable, though there is pollution, but human beings are trying to make up, rather than laissez-faire; I would like to ask each other dialectical Friends; understand clothing factory is doing? is to humans warm, factories procing food is doing? is not to human beings in order to empty stomachs Yes. mankind is doing the felling of trees is a house built to human beings, you make furniture. If these are the so-called human beings to do the damage to the environment, then you have clothes? still eat food? can you sit here and debate ? Therefore, the caller said, the destroyer of the human environment is not too innocent of. As human beings we can not deny the humanity which the leading role on the environment and the protective effect.

Mobile phones modern communication tools, as we all know, primary school students to use the telephone is not allowed, in this case, the primary school students carrying cell phones will need to contact and seek help when faced with ease. First, to and from school when a message issued to parents, allowing parents to understand the situation of students, so that Mom and Dad at ease. Second, students in the event of an emergency can be a timely help to their loved ones. Primary and secondary school students have mobile phones, usually with the students can easily exchange and learning problems, holidays and students would like to go out to play and so on, as long as picking up the phone on the list. Moreover, a cell phone in hand, not only to fight than fixed telephone more convenient, will not delay the matter. "Third, the 21st century, is the information economy era, the phone is not just the narrow function of a single mobile phone, mobile phones can not be separated from our lives, it is a technological means of communication. To allow students access to a phone that can use high-tech students contact with fresh things in the capacity and quality. Therefore, students should carry mobile phones.

Primary and secondary school students with cell phones a lot of harm. First, the primary and secondary school students because of age of small, fun, self-discipline on the poor themselves, and mobile phones and games, will likely give rise to primary and secondary school students in the class to steal games, easily distracted class, class attendance do not seriously affect the primary and secondary school students学习. Second, some students will use mobile computing, seriously affect the primary computing ability. Our school the sixth grade (3) classes a student, was originally very good in math, each exam is 100, but since the use of mobile phones, the computing power graally declined in math also declined. Third, the mobile phone radiation on the human body has to grow up in us, will be hazardous to their health. Therefore, the primary and secondary school students should not bring cell phones.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 06:58


热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 06:58

Environment is the soil of human survival, for their own existence and development, human need to protect the environment. The existence of human beings for their own development environment is modified competitive Tin Chak, beyond reproach. Instry is well-developed human development and is inevitable, though there is pollution, but human beings are trying to make up, rather than laissez-faire; I would like to ask each other dialectical Friends; understand clothing factory is doing? is to humans warm, factories procing food is doing? is not to human beings in order to empty
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