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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-18 09:37




正文:Everyone has some unforgettable experiences.翻译:一次难忘的经历每个人都有一些难忘的经历。I will never forget my first volunteer work.翻译:我永远不会忘记我的第一志愿工作。Last summer, our class went to a country primary school to help the students there.翻译:去年夏天,我们班去...


First, because English is very important, English is one of the work languages of United Nations, also an international exchanges language in fact.Secondly, English the pronunciation is very good to listen, very gentle and soft.Most important of BE, English learns very easily.首先,因为英语很重要...

介绍自己的英语作文 1 what s your name? 2 how old are you? 3 where...

hello!my name is(自己的名字)。I am form(自己来自哪). 算了!我给你翻译。你应该会吧? what s your name?你叫什么名字? how old are you?你几岁了?where are you from?你来自哪?where do you study?你是哪里的学生?which class are you in?你在哪一个班?what s yo...

英语作文Dear Bob:How is everything going on?

Dear Bob How is everything going?I know you have trouble in learning English. Don’t worry. I will help you. There are three good ways to learn English well.Firstly,as your friend,I think you should ask the teacher for help. Because our teacher is knowledgeable. And you ...


英语作文有:1、People always confuse about the meaning of happiness, they don’t know how to define it. 人们总是对幸福的意义感到困惑,他们不知道如何去定义。2、Once I read the story that the little eagles needed to practice flying in the cliff before they could fly.曾经我...


介绍我的朋友英文作文有:1、Ihave a good friend,his name is Tom,he is 12 years old.he is also my classmate.hehas a big nose and too big eyes.his mouth is big,too.he is an active boy,he likes playing basketball we often play basketball together on weekend.he plays ...


译文:随着互联网的发展和计算机的普及,网上购物已经成为我们生活中的一个普遍的问题。Here consumers can buy almost everything they need.译文:在这里,消费者可以买到他们所需要的一切。Shopping on the Internet has a lot of advantages, of which the most important is perhaps its convenience....

《my family》30字英语作文带翻译的?

My familyThere are four people in my family.They are my father,my mother,my brother and I.My mother is very beautiful.She is an engineer.She is very kind to me.My father is a worker.He works hard.He is strict with me.My brother is a 12-year-old boy.He is very ...


Today,I and my classmates came to the Tianshan Park,we have seen on the ground there are many small scraps of paper,and garbage.One student said:"We refuse to pick up Come on!"We have said in unison:"Yes."Where they clean up garbage,trash pick up students in a net throw...


七年级英语作文 篇1 The annual Qingming Festival is coming again. My father and I went back to our hometown and our aunts to go to the crane garden cemetery for grandparents to sweep the grave. Xianhe Park Cemetery is located in Yulin City West, us more than 20 minutes to get to ride...

英语作文 英语作文大全 英语作文200字带翻译 英语作文模板 关于健康的英语作文 我的家人英语作文 初二英语作文 我的周末英语作文 英语作文我的朋友
珍珠粉可以天天敷脸吗 教你自制珍珠粉面膜 中超什么时候成立 交通刷卡金是什么 哪吒V上市进入倒计时,车身超4米,轴距为2420mm,续航里程401km. 关于倩女幽魂爆鬼问题 倩女幽魂什么是大宝队 关于倩女幽魂爆鬼分红的问题 泰国绿咖喱中的咖喱酱是如何制作的,它的独特口味来源于哪些香料?_百度... 好看电视剧,推荐个,现代都市剧,古装剧,战争爱情剧都可以,要经典,确确 ... 去北京上大学转户口好不好 怎么写英语作文? 英语作文内容,写你去过的公园,要求,在5句以上 我喜欢的工作英语作文,写篇英语作文,不低于80词。包含以下内容 : 天津住房公积金提前还贷的手续怎样办 小脚趾肿了 碰到硬物了应该怎么办.今天才肿的 怎样把以前的彻底删除 请问,单币种的信用卡可以海淘吗(如日本亚马逊)? 卫生间的门应该向内开还是向外开?大家有什么看法吗? 您是学统计学的吗?去日本留学了? 本*连理工大学 留学日本 筑波大学硕士 统计学专业 日语一级 英语考研英语水平 韩国语精通 能找什么工作 华为畅享七机怎样把照片拼在一起? 华为畅享7有没有拼图功能? 卫生间的门里开好还是外开 日本留学哪些专业就职容易? 我是统计学的本科毕业生,想去日本留学,可以选择的专业有哪些? 网上预定酒店的时间是从什么时候开始算的 统计学发源于哪一个国家? 日本重视统计学这个专业吗 计划去日本读修士(统计学),有没有什么建议 本年度支付了55 000元的现金股利的会计分录怎么做 小脚趾肿大,因该是小时候穿鞋不当造成的? 英语作文(详细内容如下) 英语作文 内容关于贺卡 小脚趾不小心猛踢到床角肿痛如何处理? 老人小脚趾红肿疼痛怎么办? 无锡有什么好的留学机构啊,麻烦大家推荐下 我是无锡光华剑桥A LEVEL班的,今年高二,想去英国留学,同学推荐了inGS校代留学怎么样? 无锡江达留学服务中心有限公司怎么样? 无锡有没有什么好的留学中介啊 吃一次紧急避孕药会影响几个月经周期? 在三个月试用期内被裁掉有补偿吗 吴洛茜这个名字代表什么含义 沈阳到郑州g2188高铁途径站 王洛茜名字好不好,有什么优点 生辰八字取名字打分2011年4月24日下五5点57分出生的取名洛茜,姓邹 全国有多少黄洛茜? 赵洛曦这个名字能打多少分? 在日本知念洛茜的名字怎样翻译? 王苏洛茜和王苏婉晴哪个好听 女孩名字或者还有什么更好的意见 全国有多少个名字叫黄洛茜的?