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sweet tangerine 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-18 01:59



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 07:10

歌曲名:sweet tangerine
歌手:the hush sound
专辑:like vines

Rain falls, quickly wetting my hair and clothes
My cries fall upon her deaf ears more tears
Let me in, please it's cold I'm freezing out here, I miss you my dear
You're all his and I'm all yours, like it or not, I'm all you've got
Everyone will make mistakes
Without the sour the sweet just ain't as
Sweet tangerine, will you please come back to me?
Cause I don't think that these feelings are gonna leave
Light cuts through the clouds and haunts me, like bad dreams
Outside lookin' in I'm feeling lost and cold as sin
A shred of hope a little bit of sweetness - anything please, except for defeat
If I could I'd lock you up and toss out the key, it's just you and me
Everyone will make mistakes (and I know I have)
Without the sour the sweet just ain't as
Sweet tangerine, will you please come back to me?
Cause I don't think that these feelings are gonna leave (yeah, yeah)
Sweet melody, you'll be singing in your sleep
But this time you're not listening to a word I say
Crept through the curtains, as quick as the cold wind
Slowly exploring the room where you sleep
The stare of your portrait, the passing of your scent
Left me no choice but to stay
I will dissolve into the dark beneath your bed
My hands will wait for a taste of your skin
Sweet tangerine, will you please come back to me?
Cause I don't think that these feelings are gonna leave (yeah, yeah)
Sweet melody, you'll be singing in your sleep
But this time you're not listening to a word I say
I word I say

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