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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-18 02:50



热心网友 时间:2023-10-07 05:53

歌手:Gavin Degraw

Oh if there's one thing to be taught
it's dreams are made to be caught
and friends can never be bought
Doesn't matter how long it's been
I know you'll always jump in
'Cause we don't know how to quit
Let's start a riot tonight
a pack of lions tonight
In this world he who stops
won't get anything he wants
Play like the top one percent
till nothing's left to be spent
Take it all ours to take
Celebrate because
We are the champions
Setting it off again
Oh we on fire
We on fire
Running our own campaign
Doing the whole shebang
Oh we on fire
We on fire
Get up
Stand up
Throw your hands up
Welcome to the other land of
dreamers brothers sisters others
Yeah we on fire like that
Oh the bond is deeper than skin
The kind of club that we're in
The kind of love that we give
Oh ever since the dawn of mankind
we all belong to a tribe
It's good to know this one's mine
Let's start a riot tonight
a pack of lions tonight
In this world he who stops
won't get anything he wants
Play like the top one percent
till nothing's left to be spent
We don't care
We won't stop
Call your mothers
Call the cops
We are the champions
Setting it off again
Oh we on fire
We on fire
Running our own campaign
Doing the whole shebang
Oh we on fire
We on fire
Get up
Stand up
Throw your hands up
Welcome to the other land of
dreamers brothers sisters others
Yeah we on fire like that
And nothing's gonna be the same
We are the champions
Setting it off again
Oh we on fire
We on fire
Running our own campaign
Doing the whole shebang
Oh we on fire
We on fire
And nothing's gonna be the same

热心网友 时间:2023-10-07 05:54

My Songs Know What You Did In the Dark
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