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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 23:36



热心网友 时间:2023-06-18 13:44

灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴In Fry, the myth is a form of structure, the birth of God, adventure, victory, suffering, death, resurrection is a complete cycle of the story, as the days and nights change, the same cycle of the seasons. God's life and death, death and resurrection, including all the literature of the story. Literature in general is "shift" the myth, literature, but the myth continued Geng, the myth of displacement for literature, God has become in all kinds of literary figures. Fry studied the creative practice of European literature, literary figures and the narrative mode is divided into five categories, namely, the five types of models:
If the main character in general than on the type of man and the environment, Superman is the God, on his story is myth.
If the main character in extent than the general environment, it is the legendary hero, who is not a god. However, he is essentially unregulated operations in a world dominated by the laws of nature, here are the magic sword, then people will say the animals, monsters and witches, spells and miracles, and so on. Hero Superman can also have the courage and perseverance, all these myths in the world are not contrary to law Ran. Here, we leave the myth, has entered legend, folk tales, fairy tales, and other forms of literature field.
If the main character in extent than most people, but it does not exceed the natural environment, it is the general leader of the People. He also goes far beyond our power, passion and expression, but he did remains in the natural and social criticism within the scope of the order, which is higher form of imitation is the majority of historical facts and the protagonist of the tragedy.
Heroine is not higher than that of ordinary people, not higher than that of the environment, he would become an ordinary person in, and we at the same level, his actions of the environment and the realities we basically follow the same criteria can be Ran law. This is to imitate the form of low comedy and reality that most of the main characters in the novel.
Heroine in the intellectual capacity and below us, we are in a high overlooking the slavery, or fooled by the absurd scenes, it is ironic mode.
Frye's criticism of a prototype of the important characteristics, namely, to use a macro perspective to study the development of the entire European literature, literary flow thus summed up the law of development. Fry it literature divided into five models, he began to put the concept of literary history. He believes that European literature has passed over just five forms, experienced a mockery of literature from myth to the development and changes. In the era before the Middle Ages, the literature is closely attached to Christianity, ancient Greece and Rome, Celtic or the myth of the Dayton nation, is the myth of the times. Literature is the medieval legend of the times, or about Chivalric Cleveland's secular legend, or the performance of saints or religious martyrdom story of the legendary, both violations of the laws of nature to the fascinating story of a miracle to achieve the objective. Renaissance literature the most representative form of a tragedy and national epic. Later, a new middle class and low culture has brought to imitate model, a model in English literature from Defoe in the era of the late 19th century has been the dominant position. In French literature, it should begin and end as early as about half a century. And nearly a hundred years, the most serious are increasingly creative in the form of literary irony.
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