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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-17 06:57



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 20:00

UV-Fenton system, the coexistence of the process of degradation of organic azo dye ligands impact study.
Fenton and Fenton-type law is of concern in recent years, a new advanced oxidation wastewater treatment technology. In this paper, sodium citrate, EDTA, sodium oxalate, sodium malonate organic complexing agent, such as UV-Fenton system on the degradation of azo dye Orange II the impact of gold, and different temperature, PH value, wavelength, etc., these organic complexing agent on the degradation of Orange II has done some research. UV-Fenton system for the disposal of wastewater and provide a theoretical basis.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 20:01

UV-Fenton system, the coexistence of the process of degradation of organic azo dye ligands impact study.

Fenton and Fenton-type law is of concern in recent years, a new advanced oxidation wastewater treatment technology. In this paper, sodium citrate, EDTA, sodium oxalate, sodium malonate organic complexing agent, such as UV-Fenton system on the degradation of azo dye Orange II the impact of gold, and different temperature, PH value, wavelength, etc., these organic complexing agent on the degradation of Orange II has done some research. UV-Fenton system for the disposal of wastewater and provide a theoretical basis.
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