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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-17 04:30



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 10:49

I'm just know, because in the self-study some simple words and daily language so translation or not, please, can you help me? If you can, hope can kiss in the Chinese translation, below: because I can know where is sentences. Thank you! (I only 20 wealth, give you, though I know few, but, I hope you can help)

Believe content as follows:

Soon to June 6th, excited? I am looking forward to it. But I later than 21 days of your birthday! To 21, Korea should be 22 years old! Like a birthday together with you. However, you really so far... .. Actually, I don't want to put your idols, I just want to put as you as I love a person! Miss Hong Kong concert! That was my first concert at night, you see, I suddenly, not because I wanted to cry, very excited, happy, but not because of you, I feel very tired, should be a kind of feeling of love! That night, I just always quietly watching you, until you depart from... Many people have asked me why suddenly like this person? Because, you and me, but your personality is like the spirit of love music makes me very touched, I love music, the music is part of my life, I love to learn the guitar, piano, want to learn the frame beat... And I have been looking for that moved me. Is you! Because you can attract me! The fifth anniversary approached, hope you can continue in five years, because of the feeling is how precious. Regardless of what you like, after the feelings, or of wonderful memories... I, too, instant is so far away, I will still be at your side.

Hope you can quickly find your happiness! I'm still waiting for my happiness appeared...
I don't need you to remember me, I just think you know I have this one in the world!

A guess, this is what?

This is my handmade birthday cake!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 10:50


热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 10:50

ni hao wo bu zai xie xie
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