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A little old man came into the store.He held a(n) broken picture frame

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 20:30



热心网友 时间:2024-03-01 18:09

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热心网友 时间:2024-03-01 18:10

A little old man cameinto the store. He held a(n) broken picture frame with a picture of a young couple inside. The frame was cracked down thecenter. It looked as if someone had tried to repair it by using thick tape. In fear of causing more damage,the man brought it to the frame shop.The expert framer was not able to repair it.Hearing his request,I went up and asked him if I could keep the picture frame overnight,though I was not really sure what I was going to do then. The man sighed and said yes.
That night back home,although it was hard, I prepared(准备)to repair the cracked picture frame. The next day, the little old man came into the store and I handed him the frame.Repairing such a cracked frame would usually cost more than twice the normal price,but I told him I had paid for the supplies out of my own pocket.He was impressed by my work and my kindness.He started to cry. He pointed to the picture and said,“This is my wife.She passed away just a week ago.She put this frame together in the 1950s and I was so afraid it was broken.”I told him to come back to me anytime.“I will never forget you,Christine,” he said before he left.
He walked into my life when I was feeling puzzled(困惑的)about my job and I wanted to give up.He made me realize where I needed to be.It is such a good thing to give from the heart.Later that year,I was quickly raised to a high-paying position(状态,职位).Sometimes people are brought into our minds for a reason.I don’t even know his name,but I will never forget my little picture frame man.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-01 18:10

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