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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-17 03:53



热心网友 时间:2023-09-30 17:43

Content summary : Manpower resources management, mean that uses the modernized scientific method , carry on rational training , organize and allocating to the manpower that is combined with certain material resources, make manpower , material resources often keep the best proportion, carry on appropriate lead , controlled and coordinated to people's thought , psychology and behavior at the same time , giving full play to people's subjective initiative, enable bringing into full play each one's ability, the thing needs the person, the personnel are suitable , in order to realize organizing the goal. With the arrival of information age, our country's existing manpower resources management current situation can not far respond to the request that melt in the future afterwards, we face a great deal of challenges. The development trend of manpower resources management warns new thinking and new method which must be altered in manpower resources management.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-30 17:44

Abstract: Human resources management means using the modernization scientific method and carrying out logical training, organization and transition to human resources which is linked with the proct resources to a certain extent. Human resources management also gives right guidance, control and coordination to human’s thinking, psychology and actions. These are aimed at exerting human’s initiatives and intelligence, and match the human and the issue to be solved to the greatest extent in order to realize the organization’s target. With the close step of information age, the current human resources management situation of our country is far from enough to meet the future requirements. We are facing a lot of challenges. The development trend of human resources cautions the new thinking method and new measures of human resources renovation.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-30 17:44

人力资源管理用英文是Human resources management
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