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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-19 04:37



热心网友 时间:2024-02-02 23:46

  Folding bike car.Its characteristic is the application ShouZha make up the axis upward folded into super small volume of portable type axis of the overall structure of the folding bikes,folded into the bag (bags) in a folding bike integration structure.In the proction would need to use lock hinge maximizes frame and leading,car seats connected; Lock hinge spring loaded,cable (line),the gate to operate; Lift ShouZha can control lock hinge,ensure safety and convenient.
  The new utility model conceive outline novel,the structure and reasonable,can easily folded and carry on,and easy to use and comfortable,proction technology mature,extremely easy popularization,so far very optimistic about the market prospect.
  [editor this segment] bicycle-parts
  Bicycle-parts (1) body parts:including frame,front fork,handlebar,saddles and fork and pieces as well as the main body of the bicycle,is.
  (2) the transmission part:including pedal,crank,wheel,chain,axial and the flywheel,such as by human pedaled pedal,through the rotation of the wheels drive train parts and drove and drove and drove.
  (3) :that is part of the action,including the front wheels and rear axle parts,the spokes,rim (circle),tires,etc.
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