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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-19 14:24



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 05:26

In recent years, gas explosion, coal and gas outburst and other disasters, serious threat to the safety of coal proction and the lives of hundreds of thousands of coal miners safe, gas disaster has restricted the proction of coal mine safety and an important factor in the development of the coal instry can be said of gas mine explosions have become the first major culprit. Therefore, detection of gas proction for the mine safety and protection of the lives of miners has very important significance to
51 MCU AT89S52 this paper as a core control unit, mainly discusses the design of portable gas alarm device process and catalyst components for the traditional method of gas e to temperature decrease e to the rising sensitivity of catalytic sensor, the problem of shortened life expectancy has improved, designed A simple method of temperature detection of gas concentration. The design of the hardware circuit includes single chip system, A / D converter, clock circuit and charging circuit, the software driver circuit includes a clock chip, digital display and sound and light alarm and so on. Through the system is designed so that the alarm device of the low concentration of methane in the mine to achieve continuous real-time monitoring of gas, make the changes in gas concentration, alarm value, a portable gas alarm device has a small size, light weight, accurate measurement, easy maintenance characteristics of the workplace for the measurement of coal mine gas concentration in the air to rece the incidence of mine gas accident.希望能帮助到你

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 05:26

In recent years, the gas explosion, coal and gas outburst, such disasters a serious threat to the safety of coal proction and millions of coal worker's life safety, restricting our gas disaster has become the safety proction in coal mine and the development of the coal instry, can say the important factors of gas explosion has become the first major culprit ore difficult. So the gas detection for coal mine safety in proction and protect the life safety of the miners have very important significance

This paper to 51 series microcontroller as the core control components, AT89S52 mainly discusses the design process of portable gas alarming device, and in the light of traditional gas catalyst components e to temperature rises, the method of catalytic element sensitivity to rece, life improved shortened problem, design a kind of simple constant temperature detection method of gas concentration. This design hardware circuit including single-chip microcomputer system, A/D conversion, clocking circuit and charging circuit, software circuit including clock chip driver, digital pipe display the audible and visual alarm and etc. Through the design of the system, make the alarming device against mine the low thick methane gas, achieve continuous real-time monitoring in grasping the gas concentration changes, overflow alarm, portable gas alarming device has small volume, light weight, measurement accuracy, use convenient maintenance, for the characteristics of coal mine underground workplace in each measure air gas concentration, in order to rece the incidence of mine gas accident.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 05:27


热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 05:27


Los Angeles, and a super busy city in the desert, Las Vegas. What won’t be forgotten, of cause, would be the three day university life, and kids’ favorite places,




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You taught me to aim for success and to accept failure with courage.你教导我要有成功的目标,并且要有勇气接受失败 Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers.温暖的爱的关心和祝福送给我们亲爱的老师们。I want to be like you, when I grow up.当我长大后,我想向您一样...


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