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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-19 06:44



热心网友 时间:2022-05-28 02:10

The Ritz Hotel in Paris was the first of the iconic brand that redefined high-class hospitality in the 19th century, offering luxury accommodations near the Louvre and the banks of the River Seine.
Hotel Features
Many call it the “Best Hotel of the 20th Century,” and they certainly have their reasons to make such a claim. For more than a hundred years the Ritz Hotel has been a magnificent home to discerning elites and fun-loving celebrities, including Ernest Hemmingway and Coco Channel. The hotel’s exterior, preserved as it was originally designed by Hardouin-Mansart, the architect of Versailles Palace, is a protected national landmark in France. The Ritz, though lavish, is decidedly not stuffy; but it’s most certainly ritzy. An indomitable social spirit bounds through the hotel’s impeccably designed social halls, each decorated in their original art de vivre flair.

When it comes to amenities, the hotel offers a fine health club featuring a luxurious pool and spa. The hotel’s marquee restaurant, L’Espadon, offers some of the most sought-after dinner reservations in Paris, serving five-star cuisine beneath an extravagant Trompe-l'œil ceiling. The Ritz also has several uniquely styled bars, most notable of which is The Hemmingway, the eponymous writer’s most-loved bar, renamed in his honor.
In the gold accents and delicate patterns of classical French charm seamlessly imbued with incredible comforts, the Ritz Hotel’s 106 guestrooms carry an air that both inspires and calms. Most guestrooms overlook the Vendome gardens or the rue Cambon. In thoughtfully crafted woods softened by premium silks and brocades, furnishings introce themselves with the intent of being both noticed and appreciated. In-room amenities include an elegant marble bathroom, a CD player and satellite television.
Hotel Location
There’s no better location for a luxury hotel in Paris than the prestigious corner on Vendome Place where The Ritz makes its presence known. Without being overwhelmingly tourist-oriented, the neighborhood abounds with authentic street-side cafes, restaurants and bars. Must-see Parisian attractions such as the Louvre, the River Seine and the Jardin des Tuileries are each only three blocks away
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