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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-20 11:47



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 06:28

China proposed the issue to the first of the sail training ship as the background, the ship's interior design of public space. Through the cabin interior design, try to improve the conct of the ship within the various conditions and improve the quality of the environment within the ship, the reception for the heads of State, the Navy and senior officers visited the public to provide a good environment.
According to the design of the training ship cabins function as a starting point, the senior officers meeting rooms, small conference rooms, restaurants and conference rooms, corridors access to Interior Design. As the ship to visit the reception for heads of state, in the design to fully display Chinese characteristics. In the design of the use of traditional Chinese elements it should be decorated to show the Chinese Navy outlook and China's international image.
Major work: First of all domestic and foreign ship cabins on the research, living environment for the conct of the ship, the analysis, design, determine the subject. Secondly, based on outfitting the ship, the ship architectural aesthetics, ergonomics, and other relevant information on the ship cabins with basic theoretical knowledge of the cabin to make room environment comparative analysis of cabins designed to optimize the programme. Finally, the use of relevant software to design integrated display.

Keyword: sail training ship, cabin interior; Chinese elements

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 06:29

This topic plans the first sail training ship take China which constructs as a background, carries on the internal installation design to the ships public space.Through the cabin internal installation design, experimental carries on improves in the ship each kind of condition, enhances the ships interior environment the quality, for receives various head of state, the navy high-ranking officer and the social public visits provides the good environment.
关键字:1.Sail training ship 2.Cabin internal installation
3.Chinese element

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 06:29

China proposed the issue to the first of the sail training ship as the background, the ship's interior design of public space. Through the cabin interior design, try to improve the conct of the ship within the various conditions and improve the quality of the environment within the ship, the reception for the heads of State, the Navy and senior officers visited the public to provide a good environment.
According to the design of the training ship cabins function as a starting point, the senior officers meeting rooms, small conference rooms, restaurants and conference rooms, corridors access to Interior Design. As the ship to visit the reception for heads of state, in the design to fully display Chinese characteristics. In the design of the use of traditional Chinese elements it should be decorated to show the Chinese Navy outlook and China's international image.
Major work: First of all domestic and foreign ship cabins on the research, living environment for the conct of the ship, the analysis, design, determine the subject. Secondly, based on outfitting the ship, the ship architectural aesthetics, ergonomics, and other relevant information on the ship cabins with basic theoretical knowledge of the cabin to make room environment comparative analysis of cabins designed to optimize the programme. Finally, the use of relevant software to design integrated display.

Keyword: sail training ship, cabin interior; Chinese elements
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