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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-17 15:26



热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 21:38

摘 要Pick
Sorching summer, whether on holiday, or driving, date, or relatives and friends gather and have a look fashionable, indivial character is dye-in-the-wood car refrigerator with your car to stay together, let you follow one's inclinationsly, must take food and drinks store is a very happy.
The main research contents include project for the car carries freezer exterior modelling design, change their original form, is no longer will it in body, but will it show in front passengers, and fully utilize. As far as possible to use color in the most popular color integration bodywork. In a car on a embodies the identity of the transport, therefore, should not too bright colors in black, white, ash. The heat insulation materials of pu heat preservation material overall foam molding, effectively prevent heat, prevent air convection radiator inside. The inner absorption ability weak radiation ability of white engineering plastic material. On the surface of the simple painting processing.
This design is mainly to change its form of inside, gives its new functions. From the aspects of its ergonomics consider to use more convenient. For the design of special appearance, break original exterior modelling.
Keywords: the car carries freezer, appearance design, insulation materials

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 21:39

Get to the summer is hot here, whether the way, the holiday, lovers date, or relatives and friends there, there is a fashionable appearance, personality, faring with your love the car, so you can rely on one way of get food, must be a very happy.
This project mainly study include the appearance of the vehicle design planning and change its original form, is no longer be placed within the body, but it shows the passengers on and on the full use of color as possible. with respect to the use of integrated 车体 the public. the car on a level that is an expression of transport, so too showy, colorful can't be in black and white, gray,.Material aspects of the heat insulation best polyurethane insulating materials of the material and effectively eliminate and prevent and hot air by convection ventilation. the absorption capacity of the weak capacity of the white plastic materials. the project on the simple spray process.

The design is primarily to change in the form of existence, for the new features. from ergo- things considered on its use more convenient. for its special appearance design, the existing appearance of a shape.
the keywords : vehicle refrigerator, design, the roof insulating materials

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 21:39


热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 21:40

Sorching summer, whether on holiday, or driving, date, or relatives and friends gather and have a look fashionable, indivial character is dye-in-the-wood car refrigerator with your car to stay together, let you follow one's inclinationsly, must take food and drinks store is a very happy.
The main research contents include project for the car carries freezer exterior modelling design, change their original form, is no longer will it in body, but will it show in front passengers, and fully utilize. As far as possible to use color in the most popular color integration bodywork. In a car on a embodies the identity of the transport, therefore, should not too bright colors in black, white, ash. The heat insulation materials of pu heat preservation material overall foam molding, effectively prevent heat, prevent air convection radiator inside. The inner absorption ability weak radiation ability of white engineering plastic material. On the surface of the simple painting processing.
This design is mainly to change its form of inside, gives its new functions. From the aspects of its ergonomics consider to use more convenient. For the design of special appearance, break original exterior modelling.
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