发布时间:2022-05-17 20:40
时间:2023-11-07 02:15
1.志愿者为幸存者搭建了很多帐篷( set up)
1. The volunteers have set up lots of tents for the survivors.
2.在消防人员的帮助下,孩子们成功逃离大火(escape from)
2. With the help of fire fighters, children were able to escape from the fire successfully.
3.我犯错了,所以我真诚希望得到你的原谅(beg for)
3. I have made a mistake, and so I sincerely beg for your forgiveness.
4.在那场战争中,我们的士兵抗击敌人保卫我们的国家(fight against,defend)
4. In the fight against the enemies, our soldiers were there to defend our country.
时间:2023-11-07 02:15
1.the volunters( have) set up tents for the survivors.
2.With the helpe of firemen,the children succeeded in escaping from the conflagration(fire).
3.I made a mistake,so I sincerely hope that I can beg for U an apology.
4.At the war,our soldiers fought agginst the enemies and defended our country.
时间:2023-11-07 02:16
The volunteers set up camps for the survivers.
With the help of the firefighters ,the children successfully escaped from the fire .
It's my fault ,so I sincerly beg for your forgiveness
Our soldiers fighted against the enimies to defend our country in the battle.
时间:2023-11-07 02:16
1. The volunteer set up many tent for survivors.
2. Kids escaped from the fire successfully with the help of firemen.
3. I have made a mistake, I wish to beg for your pardon.
4. Our soldiers fight against the enemy to defend our country in that war.
时间:2023-11-07 02:17
1.Volunteers set up many tents for survivors.
2.Children escape from the big fire with the fire brigade.
3.I make a mistake,so I beg for your forgiveness.
4.In the that war,our soldiers fight against the enemy to defend our country.
时间:2023-11-07 02:18
voluneers have set up many tents for the survivors.
with the firemen's help, the children have escaped from the fire successfully
I made a mistake, so I sincerely beg for your forgiveness
In that war, our soldiers fought against the enemies to defend our country