发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-17 11:13
热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 20:28
摘要Event sampling means that the observer expects the appearance of a certain pre-selected behavior, and then observes and records it, so as to understand the conditions and process of the occurrence of a certain specific behavior. Advantages: (1) The record of the incident process is complete, which is convenient for later analysis; (2) The observation points are designed in advance, so the record is objective; (3) It is more suitable to explore the state of events (4) It needs long-term observation, and it is more suitable to do systematic research. Disadvantages: (1) Closed observation only limits certain behaviors, and not every observation has gains; (2) It only observes the present and cannot pay attention to the background of events. Example of event sampling method: children's helping behavior, observing children's name, time, place, process and results, being helped by others, teachers responding to helpers.咨询记录 · 回答于2021-11-05设计一个事件取样法的记录表,帮助幼儿园小班教师了解幼儿哭泣的原因Event sampling means that the observer expects the appearance of a certain pre-selected behavior, and then observes and records it, so as to understand the conditions and process of the occurrence of a certain specific behavior. Advantages: (1) The record of the incident process is complete, which is convenient for later analysis; (2) The observation points are designed in advance, so the record is objective; (3) It is more suitable to explore the state of events (4) It needs long-term observation, and it is more suitable to do systematic research. Disadvantages: (1) Closed observation only limits certain behaviors, and not every observation has gains; (2) It only observes the present and cannot pay attention to the background of events. Example of event sampling method: children's helping behavior, observing children's name, time, place, process and results, being helped by others, teachers responding to helpers.事件取样法是指观察者期待某种预选行为的出现,尔后对其进行观察记录,以期了解某种特定行为出现的条件和过程。优点:(1)对事件发生的过程记录完整,便于以后分析;(2)事先对观察要点有设计,故记录比较客观;(3)比较适合探究事件的状态(4)需要长期观察,比较适合做系统研究缺点:(1)封闭式观察,只限定某些特定行为,不是每次观察都有收获(2)只观察当下,对事件发生的背景无法关注。事件取样法举例:幼儿助人行为观察幼儿姓名时间地点过程以及结果被助人反应教师反应助人者啊?可以具体一点吗?幼儿园幼儿观察表:幼儿争执事件记录表争执事件一发生,便用秒表计时,并按实现拟定好的观察记录内容填写观察记录表。幼儿争执事件记录表儿童年龄性别争执持续时间发生背景行为性质做什莫说什莫结果影响观察记录表的主要内容:1、争执者的姓名、年龄、性别;2、争执持续时间;3、争执发生的背景、起因;4、争执什么(玩具、领导权等);5、争执者所扮演的角色(侵犯者、报复者、反抗者、被动接受者等);6、争执时的特殊语言或动作7、结局如何(*让步、自愿让步、和解、由其他儿童干预解决、由教师干预解决等);8、后果与影响(高兴、忿恨、不满等)。支持幼儿象征性有发展的策略是什么?你好你好在吗急《幼儿园教育指导纲要》中指出:“为幼儿的探究活动创造宽松的环境,让每个幼儿都有机会参与尝试,支持、鼓励他们大胆提出问题,发表不同意见,学会尊重别人的观点和经验。支持和引发幼儿的操作摆弄、探究、实验、制作等活动,引导他们通过自己的发现主动建构有关的知识经验。”对于小班幼儿来说,预设的活动和集体活动宜少、宜短,教师应以个别教育为主。而区域活动正是一种幼儿自由选择、自由探索、操作摆弄的自主活动,它不仅能够让教师去了解每一个孩子的兴趣、发展水平、能力以及学习方式,照顾到幼儿的个体差异,更强调了幼儿在教育活动中的主体价值,使幼儿的天性得到满足,潜能得以发挥。