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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-18 23:46



热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 17:50

Importance of the health
Health is the most important thing to a person.if you have no monney,you can earn it;and if friends leave,you can find another;with out glory ,we can try our best to get it again.But the health is diferent,you should care of it,once you lose it,you have to pay monney,and if you are unlucky,maybe monney cannot help you,you will lose it forever.As a result,take care of your health,no matter what age you are.The health is your best wealth.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 17:50

Health importance for the indivial health is the most important, such as a money can be earned without friends can find, no honor, but also the fruit to again be the only person health is a one-time, properly treat it, if people lose their health, either money, stress is lost can never return. Therefore, regardless of your youth, middle-aged or older people should not note their own health, your health is the greatest wealth.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 17:51

the impoetance of health
to be healthy is the most important to a person.if you have no money you can earn;if you have no friend you can find some ;if you lose honor you can also get in the pay of endeavor.only the body is irreversable.treat your body well,or you may pay for it even lose your health forever. after all,no matter you are young ,middle aged or old ,you should pay attention ti your body,and healthy is the most valuable treature to you.
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