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典范英语8乔伊。琼斯的大力球鞋 用歌声换晚餐 两本书的读后感 用英文 是英文!!!250个单词以上

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-19 00:34



热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 17:08

12:Joe the little boy like football but his luck special poor, take part in a game was to have a very good header results from his position because he missed the ball. His companions called him a waste. Day after day he went out in late between two trees shooting practice. He wants to have a new shoes, he torre have no money, give him a football shoes, but in his efforts, new the final minutes of the game he scored.

13:Jamie is a little beggars. One night he want to go to cadge some food and surprisingly found two mysterious man. They are the Spanish sent spies, and wanted to stop Pelican (a ship) set sail, stole the captain's drum. Later the little beggars steal to the bulging, give it back to the captain.


热心网友 时间:2023-12-16 18:06

12:Joe the little boy like football but his luck special poor, take part in a game was to have a very good header results from his position because he missed the ball. His companions called him a waste. Day after day he went out in late between two trees shooting practice. He wants to have a new shoes, he torre have no money, give him a football shoes, but in his efforts, new the final minutes of the game he scored.

13:Jamie is a little beggars. One night he want to go to cadge some food and surprisingly found two mysterious man. They are the Spanish sent spies, and wanted to stop Pelican (a ship) set sail, stole the captain's drum. Later the little beggars steal to the bulging, give it back to the captain.


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