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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-18 18:33



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 11:25

evergreen 歌词作词:Max昌珉 作曲:Micky有天 [在中]眼泪留下了斑驳的回忆 在耳边回荡着你的声音 眼睛渐渐失去光彩 虽没有留下一滴眼泪 泪水却已涌上双眼 [昌珉]在下雨的我的心里 你已经生锈 成了不能抹去的印记 现在成了一座雕塑 正呼唤着我 [有天]Evergreen 急得像个傻瓜的我 根本没发觉你对我的爱 [俊秀]再也不要你在我身边流泪 我要带走你的伤悲 温暖地紧紧拥住你 [允浩]狂乱的心和血消失变透明 [俊秀]双眼四处搜寻你 现在走哪里才是路的尽头 [在中]Evergreen 急得像个傻瓜的我 根本没发觉你对我的爱 再也不要你在我身边流泪 我要带走你的伤悲 温暖地紧紧拥住你 [有天]没有你,我什么都看不见 [允浩]没有你,我什么也听不见 [俊秀]不要哭,没有我,现在独自一人的你 像个傻瓜一样的你在我的怀里拭去泪水 [昌珉]Evergreen 急得像个傻瓜的我 本没发觉你对我的爱 [在中]再也不要你在我身边流泪 我要带走你的伤悲 温暖地紧紧拥住你 [发音] [在中] Nun mur lai aor lu jiao bao lin cu ao kui ga ai maim dou nen nai moug sou li ba lai jin sai gai ka liao han aob sao ji qiao man ga ca gu man r liao ou nen nun dong za [昌珉]pi ga nai li nai mam sou gai nen Ke dai lan nou gi se lao bao liao sao Ji wur su aob nen gao xi e ao yi zai Pao zer lai han zou ga ge lou nam ma Nar bu le gou yi sao [有天]Evergreen sao i gi man han Pa bou ga ten nan ke dai ga Zu nen sa lang er mou le gou sa la wa jiu [俊秀]ta xi nen na ai giao tai sao nun mur her li ji an tou loug Ao n ser pem dou ka liao ju nen Da de tan nai ga e ao gam sa an ner gai [允浩]mi qin de i gou yi nen ga semgua pi ga sa la jiao tu miaong hai jin [俊秀] nun nen nao ler ca za hai mai Ji gem ao di sao de gou yi jin an ner ga yi gir lai ge tai [在中] Evergreen sao i gi man han Pa bou ga ten nan ke dai ga Zu nen sa lang er mou le gou sa la wa jiu ta xi nen na ai giao tai sao nun mur her li ji an tou loug Ao n ser pem dou ka liao ju nen Da de tan nai ga e ao gam sa an ner gai [有天]ke dai aob nen nan nu ao dou bour su aob gai jiu [允浩]ke dai aob nen nan nu ao dou der li ji an jiu [俊秀]wur ji wa you na ga aob nen ji gem houn za yin ke dai ga Pa bou ga ten nao ler nai pum mai an gou ta ga zur tai ni [昌珉] Evergreen sao i gi man han Pa bou ga ten nan ke dai ga Zu nen sa lang er mou le gou sa la wa jiu [在中] ta xi nen na ai giao tai sao nun mur her li ji an tou loug

热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 11:25

歌手:hyde 专辑:countdown �6�1 搜索"evergreen"LRC歌词 �6�1 搜索"evergreen"mp3 evergreen(english ensemble) words,music procer all by:hyde i lie awake beside the windowsill, like a flower in a vase, a moment caught in glass. the rays of sunlight come and beckon me, to a sleepy dreamy haze, a sense of summer days. if only i could stop the flow of time, turn the clock to yesterday, erasing all the pain. i've only memories of happiness, such pleasure we have shared, i'd do it all again. this scenery is evergreen, as buds turn into leaves, the colours live and breathe, this scenery is evergreen, your tears are falling silently. so full of joy, you are a child of spring, with a beauty that is pure, an innocence enres. you flow right through me like a medicine, bringing quiet to my soul, without you i'm not whole. this scenery is evergreen, i need you far too much, i long to feel your touch, this scenery is evergreen, you're always been so dear to me. this scenery is evergreen, it sorrows at the sight of seeing you so sad, this scenery is evergreen, i wish that i could dry your tears. the bells have rung, the time has come, i cannot find the words to say my last goodbye, this scenery is evergreen, you've always been so dear to me. evergreen(english ensemble) words,music procer all by:hyde i lie awake beside the windowsill, like a flower in a vase, a moment caught in glass. the rays of sunlight come and beckon me, to a sleepy dreamy haze, a sense of summer days. if only i could stop the flow of time, turn the clock to yesterday, erasing all the pain. i've only memories of happiness, such pleasure we have shared, i'd do it all again. this scenery is evergreen, as buds turn into leaves, the colours live and breathe, this scenery is evergreen, your tears are falling silently. so full of joy, you are a child of spring, with a beauty that is pure, an innocence enres. you flow right through me like a medicine, bringing quiet to my soul, without you i'm not whole. this scenery is evergreen, i need you far too much, i long to feel your touch, this scenery is evergreen, you're always been so dear to me. this scenery is evergreen, it sorrows at the sight of seeing you so sad, this scenery is evergreen, i wish that i could dry your tears. the bells have rung, the time has come, i cannot find the words to say my last goodbye, this scenery is evergreen, you've always been so dear to me. evergreen(english ensemble) words,music procer all by:hyde i lie awake beside the windowsill, like a flower in a vase, a moment caught in glass. the rays of sunlight come and beckon me, to a sleepy dreamy haze, a sense of summer days. if only i could stop the flow of time, turn the clock to yesterday, erasing all the pain. i've only memories of happiness, such pleasure we have s

热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 11:25

Westlife -- 【Evergreen】 By马晓宙 天长地久 Eyes like a sunrise Like a rainfall Down my soul And i wonder I wonder why you look at me like that What you re thinking What s behind Don t tell me But it feels like love I m gonna take this moment And make it last forever I m gonna give my heart away And pray we ll stay together Cause you re the one good reason You re the only girl that I need Cause you re more beautiful than I have ever seen I m gonna take this night And make it evergreen Touch like a angel Like velvet to my skin And I wonder Wonder why you wanna stay the night What you re dreaming What s behind Don t tell me But it feels like love I m gonna take this moment And make it last forever I m gonna give my heart away And pray we ll stay together Cause you re the one good reason You re the only girl that I need Cause you re more beautiful than I have ever seen(Oh yeah!) I m gonna take this night And make it evergreen Woo Woo Woo Yeah!Yeah! Don't tell me but it feels like love I m gonna take this moment And make it last forever (forever) I m gonna give my heart away And pray we ll stay together Cause you re the one good reason(Oh! One good reason) You re the only girl that I need Cause you re more beautiful than I have ever seen (Oh!yeah) I m gonna take this moment Make it last forever I m gonna give my heart away And pray we ll stay together Cause you re the one good reason(Oh! One good reason) You re the only girl that I need Cause you re more beautiful than I have ever seen (Ever seen yeah!) I m gonna take this night And make it evergreen Woo And make it evergreen
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