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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-18 23:33



热心网友 时间:2023-11-21 09:27

As a new banking business cellphone banking led to the rapid development of the banking and payment instruments are fundamental changes, which more closely in the financial instry. network communications and mobile terminal manufacturers cooperation, economic integration in all fields of development trends more prominent. No one doubts, cell phone banking in the future potential is enormous. Currently, cell phone banks are the main mode of access SMS, WAP 2.0, STK, USSD/GSM. K-JAVA, BREW. Due to a variety of methods of access makes this difficult to achieve interconnection mobile phone banking, Meanwhile, cell phone, wireless access to the bank bring security threat. This paper will explore the development of the domestic mobile phone banks and the problems that exist at the same time. learn from South Korea's experience in developing mobile phone banks to make relevant recommendations in light of the specific situation.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-21 09:27

As one kind of new bank service, the handset bank has led the bank service rapid development and the means of payment fundamental transformation, it has even more made the financial instry, the network communication and the mobile termination manufacturer cooperation, causes economical each domain the integration trend of development even more to highlight.Nobody can suspect that, the handset bank will have no bound in the future development.At present the handset bank turning on way mainly has SMS, WAP2.0, STK, USSD/GSM, K-JAVA, BREW.Because this many kinds of turning on way causes the handset bank to realize the networking with difficulty, simultaneously wireless turning on brings the secure threat for the handset bank.This article ring the discussion domestic handset bank development condition and existence question, the model date Han handset bank development experience basis domestic concrete condition will put forward the correlation proposal.
Key word: Handset bank service, wireless turning on technology, security

热心网友 时间:2023-11-21 09:27

但无线接入应为:wireless access
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