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I keeps it versatile.这句英文keep后面为什么加s?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-22 07:45



热心网友 时间:2024-03-07 10:03

Not Your Average Thug - Wang Lee Hom
I keep it versatile, cause that's my style
From hip-hop to bip-bop
I've been with shorties round the world
Variety is just my personality
Sometimes I just don't fit in
I see the open doorways
But no one wants to let me in
Grandma made me understand material things don't make the man
Try to find that inner wealth and learn to love yourself
Lately it's so hard to find peace of mind
I just got to get away from the haters and the instigators
The mis-conceivers and the non-believers
People don't believe the hype 'cause Leehom ain't no stereo type

No Crystale in the tub
Or iced out Spreewell bs
I'm really not your average thug
Not your average gangster
And I won't be defined by the size of my knot
But the state of my mind
No Rolex on my wrist
Or platinum on my chest
'Cause I don't need that sh to impress
But y'all don't get it twisted
I got love for the ghetto
Tho I'm your average thug

(Feel me) Lord I've been around the world
Sangin' near and far
People runnin' game all over
Judgin' me before we meet when they see me on the street
And they don't know a damn thing about me
It's a world of jealous deceit and envy
Seems like everybody tryin' to take something from me
Grandma made me understand material things don't make the man
So I found that inner wealth and learned to love myself
Lately it's so hard to find peace of mind
(Lately it is so hard)
I just got to get away from the haters and the instigators
There's back-stabbers and money-grabbers
Users and abusers and they all wear smilin' faces
No Crystale in the tub
Or iced out Spreewell bs
I'm really not your average thug
Not your average gangster
And I won't be defined by the size of my knot
But the state of my mind
No Rolex on my wrist
Or platinum on my chest
'Cause I don't need that sh to impress
But y'all don't get it twisted
I got love for the ghetto
Tho I'm your average thug

Sometimes I feel like I'm gonna snap
And go off up in this piece on somebody
I ain't tryin' to say no names
But I ain't tryin' to play no games
Holla if you feel me people
Lately it's so hard to find peace of mind
So lift me up in a lonely world that's so unkind
There's back-stabbers and money-grabbers
Users and abusers haters and instigators
and they all wear smilin' faces

No Crystale in the tub
Or iced out Spreewell bs
I'm really not your average thug
Not your average gangster
And I won't be defined by the size of my knot
But the state of my mind
No Rolex on my wrist
Or platinum on my chest
'Cause I don't need that sh to impress
But y'all don't get it twisted
I got love for the ghetto
Tho I'm your average thug

(Shorties I just need that ghetto love
Take a dip in my jacuzzi
Don't misjudge me 'cause I'm my own man now
Sometimes I don't even wear no watch
Everybody needs some ghetto love
See I'm not your average thug)追问请问那句iced out spreewell bs是什么意思

热心网友 时间:2024-03-07 10:03

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