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英语作文 internet的优点

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-22 00:00



热心网友 时间:2023-05-18 10:11

With the arrival of the knowledge economy age, Internet, as a new media, has come into our life. Nowadays, getting on line and surfing the Internet for information has become popular in China, especially among college students and teachers. Why is Internet getting so popular in such a short time?

The popularity of Internet results from its great convenience and easy accessibility to information. Thanks to the Internet, a world of information is just a click away. E-mail is another contributing factor to its popularity. It can transmit your letter quickly, safely and accurately. Besides, Internet has some other uses. Doctors may use it to diagnose and treat their patients by discussing or exchanging experiences with doctors in other parts of the world. Students may obtain new knowledge from a national long-distance ecational system via Internet. Finally, businessman can conct E-commerce or E-business on the net.

With so many uses and advantages, there is no doubt more and more people will be wired to the Internet-the information expressway. In short, with its high speed and efficiency, Internet will be more popular in China in the near future.

翻译:进入知识经济时代,互联网,作为一种新的媒体,已进入我们的生活。 Nowadays, getting on line and surfing the Internet for information has become popular in China, especially among college students and teachers.如今,越来越线和上网的信息已成为在中国流行,尤其是大学生和教师。 Why is Internet getting so popular in such a short time?为什么互联网得到如此受欢迎在这么短的时间?

The popularity of Internet results from its great convenience and easy accessibility to information.在互联网普及的结果极大的方便和容易获得的信息。 Thanks to the Internet, a world of information is just a click away.由于有了互联网,世界信息仅仅是一次点击就能搞定。 E-mail is another contributing factor to its popularity.电子邮件是另一个促成因素其受欢迎程度。 It can transmit your letter quickly, safely and accurately.它可以你的信转交快速,安全,准确。 Besides, Internet has some other uses.此外,互联网有一些其他用途。 Doctors may use it to diagnose and treat their patients by discussing or exchanging experiences with doctors in other parts of the world.医生可以用它来诊断和治疗病人的讨论或交流经验,医生在世界其他地区。 Students may obtain new knowledge from a national long-distance ecational system via Internet.学生可获取新知识从国家远程教育系统通过互联网。 Finally, businessman can conct E-commerce or E-business on the net.最后,商人可以进行电子商务或电子商务对净。

With so many uses and advantages, there is no doubt more and more people will be wired to the Internet-the information expressway.由于如此众多的用途和好处,但毫无疑问,越来越多的人将在有线互联网的信息高速公路。 In short, with its high speed and efficiency, Internet will be more popular in China in the near future.总之,凭借其高速和效率,互联网将是更受欢迎的中国在不久的将来。
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