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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 01:18



热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 01:44

Since the l970s, Computerized Accounting System in China from the early stages of development until now relatively mature stage, the use of information technology to accounting brought great changes are obvious. However, the same is e to the use of information technology has also intensified its accounting information systems of internal control more difficult. Internal control as proction and operation activities of the self-regulation and self-restraint inherent mechanism enterprises in the central nervous system of an important position. It can be said that a sound internal control, or not, business is the key to success. Therefore, the study of internal control and for the promotion of China's enterprise management level increases, guarantee the quality of accounting information. improve the corporate governance structure and information disclosure system protection of the legitimate rights and interests of investors and capital markets operate effectively has very important significance. Keywords : computerized accounting; Information systems; Internal Control

热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 01:44

Since the l970s, Computerized Accounting System in China from the early stages of development until now relatively mature stage, the use of information technology to accounting brought great changes are obvious. However, the same is e to the use of information technology has also intensified its accounting information systems of internal control more difficult. Internal control as proction and operation activities of the self-regulation and self-restraint inherent mechanism enterprises in the central nervous system of an important position. It can be said that a sound internal control, or not, business is the key to success. Therefore, the study of internal control and for the promotion of China's enterprise management level increases, guarantee the quality of accounting information. improve the corporate governance structure and information disclosure system protection of the legitimate rights and interests of investors and capital markets operate effectively has very important significance.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 01:45

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