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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 01:05



热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 00:46



例文如下:My mother is a person who loves me very much. She is a tall and thin woman. Her character is very humorous. What she says every day makes me laugh very happy. Her job is a teacher. She goes to school early every day and comes home at sk. I love my mother very much, she is very hard, and I will help her do what I can.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 00:46

1、I have bought food that I hope will please my mother, and that will be easy for her to eat: orzo salad with little pieces of crayfish cut into it, potato salad, small chunks of marinated tomatoes.  2、l have brought her a bouquet of crimson, yellow, and salmon-pink snapdragons. She likes the flowers very much.  3、 As I wipe my mother's face, I see that her skin is still beautiful I hold her chin in my hand and kiss her forehead.     My mother has no idea that her ninetieth birthday is coming up. She has no notion of the time of day, the day of the week. the season of the year, the year of the century. No notion of the approaching millennium. And no idea any longer, who I am. Her forgetting of me happened just a few months ago, after I had been traveling for more than a month and hadn't been to see her. When I came back, she asked me if I were her niece, l said no, I was her daughter. "Does that mean I had you?" she asked. 1 said yes. "Where was I when l had you?" she asked me. I told her she was in a hospital in Far Rockaway. New York. "So much has happened to me in my life." she said "You can't expect me to remember everything."     My mother was once a beautiful woman, but all her teeth are gone now. Toothless. No woman can be considered beautiful. Whenever I visit her in the nursing home, she is sitting at the table in the common dining room, her head in her hands, rocking. Medication has eased her anxiety, but nothing moves her from her stupor except occasional moments of fear, too deep for medication. This is a room that has no windows, that lets in no light, in which an overlarge TV is constantly blaring, sending images that no one looks at where the floors are beige tiles, the walls cream colored at the bottom, papered halfway up with a pattern of nearly invisible grayish leaves. Many of the residents sit staring, slack-jawed, open mouthed. I find it impossible to imagine what they might be looking at.     When I walk into the dining room on the day of my mother's birthday, I see that she has already been served lunch. The staff has forgotten to hold it back. Though I told them a week ago that I would be providing lunch. She hasn’t touched anything on her tray except a piece of carrot cake, which she holds in her hands. The icing is smeared on her hands and face. I don't want my friends to see her smeared with icing, so I wet a paper towel and wipe her. This fills me with a terrible tenderness, recalling, as it does. a gesture I have performed for my children. As I wipe my mother's face, I see that her skin is still beautiful I hold her chin in my hand and kiss her forehead. I tell her it's her birthday, that she's ninety years old. "How did that happen?" she asks. "I can't understand how that could happen."     l have brought her a bouquet of crimson, yellow, and salmon-pink snapdragons. She likes the flowers very much. She likes the name. "Snapdragons. It seems like an animal that's going to bite inc. But it's not an animal, it's a plant. That's a funny thing,"     I have bought food that I hope will please my mother, and that will be easy for her to eat: orzo salad with little pieces of crayfish cut into it, potato salad, small chunks of marinated tomatoes. I have bought paper plates with a rust-colored background, upon which are painted yellow and gold flowers and blue leaves.     My friends Nola and Gary come for my mother's birthday. When we are about to leave, I tell my mother that I'm going on vacation, mat I won't see her for three weeks, that 1 am going to the sea. "How will I stand that, how will I stand that's she says, but I know that a minute after I’m gone she'll forget I was there.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 00:47

I love my mother very much.She is my dear friend and family.She has long hair and big eyes.She is very cute and elegant/beautiful.She is very kind.I view her as my angel.
...flash学得好、将来会有什么用、求哥哥、姐姐们、帮帮忙 我即将初中毕业,想要读技校,但又不知选那科好`哥哥姐姐们帮个忙吧! 成绩不好,高中毕业想学电脑,哪位哥哥姐姐知道帮忙推荐下学校_百度知 ... 大学计算机3级 怎样学习啊 难吗 哥哥姐姐 帮帮忙吧 ...就业怎样?我报了这个专业,请各位哥哥姐姐帮帮忙 请IT业工作的哥哥姐姐帮忙出出主意~~ ...师傅让他沿着水缸边行走练功。有谁知道这个电影叫什么? 小伙穿越拜"小龙女"为师,与小龙女合练武功是什么电影 ...电影开头是一个赤膊的男主角在练功,然后再和队友们去做任务,结果一... ...一秒竟然穿越了醒来第一句话就是疼死宝宝了是什么电视剧? 写我的妈妈的英语作文不少于50个单词 电信无线光猫如何接无线路由器 中国电信-光猫路由器一体机再连接一个路由器的问题要怎么设置 电信二口光猫怎么接路由器 XP系统如何建立IIS和FTP服务器,, xp搭建ftp服务器后,可以做什么 windows xp建立ftp服务器 如何在Windows XP系统下设置FTP服务器 XP中如何设置FTP服务器 xp怎么建立ftp服务器 电信提供的光猫设备可以接路由器吗? 如何在XP系统上搭建FTP服务器 XP系统如何设置FTP用户名密码? winxp怎么开FTP? xp系统如何设置ftp的密码和账户 XP用户如何建立FTP站点 windowsxp怎样搭建ftp windows xp 外网ftp 应该怎么建立 XP系统怎么建立FTP站点? Windows XP什么版本可以设置FTP 用户 我已经下载blued这个软件。但是怎么也打不开 用英语写一篇小短文,介绍一下你的妈妈(外貌、年龄、职业、工作地点、爱... 初一英语作文:我的妈妈(不少于10句话 英语作文我的妈妈长什么样,20字,带翻泽 以My mother为题写一篇英语作文(包括妈妈的职业、年龄、上班方式、不... my mother英语作文(我妈妈是一位工人)字数在8-9句 请再给出翻译!_百度... 描写母亲的英语作文60词 描写草原的雨的作文600字左右 夏天一场大雨过后呼伦贝尔大草原上什么而并不茫茫挂满亮晶晶水珠的草叶上怎么_百度问一问 呼伦贝尔大草原,一年四季的景色资料。 去呼伦贝尔草原下雨能玩吗? 呼伦贝尔阴天或下雨天还值得去么? 草原四季的景色描写 呼伦贝尔大草原最美的季节是秋季吗? WORD页面设置里没有A5型的 Word中页面设置中纸张大小缺少A5纸张选项,有没有办法添加上 新建Microsoft Word 文档.里面纸张大小有A5吗?在哪里 word2010里有自带的A5纸型可供选择吗?我的word里没有啊 word 2010文件打印问题,这么才能按照原版面打印成A5啊? word2007纸张里面没有a5模板怎么添加?