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宝贝晚安歌词 英文版2

发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-01 09:12



热心网友 时间:2023-11-14 03:51

  Good Night
  Good night, Baby.
  Good night, Baby.
  Good night, Baby.
  It's time to go to bed.
  Merrily, we roll along, roll along,roll along.
  Merrily, we go along, roll along,roll along

热心网友 时间:2023-11-14 03:51

Woods - Bon Iver
I'm up in the woods

I'm down on my mind

I'm building a still

to slow down the time.

I'm up in the woods

I'm down on my mind

I'm building a still

to slow down the time.

I'm up in the woods

I'm down on my mind

I'm building a still

to slow down the time.

I'm up in the woods

I'm down on my mind

I'm building a still

to slow down the time.

I'm up in the woods

I'm down on my mind

I'm building a still

to slow down the time.

I'm up in the woods (I'm up in the woods)
I'm down on my mind (I'm down on my mind)
I'm building a still (I'm building a still)
to slow down the time (to slow down the time)
I'm up in the woods (I'm up in the woods)

I'm down on my mind (I'm down on my mind)

I'm building a still (I'm building a still)
to slow down the time (to slow down the time)
I'm up in the woods (I'm up in the woods)

I'm down on my mind (I'm down on my mind)

I'm building a still (I'm building a still)

to slow down the time (to slow down the time)
I'm up in the woods (I'm up in the woods)

I'm down on my mind (I'm down on my mind)
I'm building a still (I'm building a still)

to slow down the time (to slow down the time)

I'm up in the woods (I'm up in the woods)

I'm down on my mind (I'm down on my mind)

I'm building a still (I'm building a still)

to slow down the time (to slow down the time)

I'm up in the woods (I'm up in the woods)

I'm down on my mind (I'm down on my mind)

I'm building a still (I'm building a still)
to slow down the time.
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