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after the rain has gone 是啥歌的歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-01 20:29



热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 17:33

歌曲名:After The Rain
专辑:First Works

Felony--After the Rain
There's no sunshine anymore
Dark clouds cover your sky
There's not much hope left
You ask yourself why
Thunder and rain all around
Life has its stormy seasons too
Many things have gone wrong
There's no reason for you
After the rain
The sun will shine again
After the rain
There will be no more pain
The sun will shine again
After the rain
But don't give up even now
There are better times to come
You must stand all the rain
Still many things are left undone
Forget about all that's bad
The rain will wash it soon away
Just do not let it get you down
And you will remain
After the rain
The sun will shine again
After the rain
There will be no more pain
After the rain
The sun will shine again
After the rain
After the rain
The sun will rise again
After the rain
The sun will rise again
The sun is breaking through the clouds
The rays will keep you warm
All that fears have gone away
Left behind you in the storm
After the rain
The sun will rise again
After the rain
The sun will shine again
After the rain
There will be no more pain
After the rain
After the rain
The sun will shine again
After the rain
There will be no more pain
After the rain
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