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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-23 18:28



热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 02:42

First, instry knowledge,

(1) non-ferrous metals are divided into pure metals, light metals, precious metals, semi-metal and rare five.

(2) non-ferrous metal alloy system will be delivered by: heavy non-ferrous metal alloys, light non-ferrous metal alloys, precious metal alloy, alloy and other rare metals; use can be viewed by alloy: deformation (pressure processing alloy), cast alloy, bearing alloys, printing alloys, tungsten carbide, solder, master alloys, metal powder and so on.

(3) non-ferrous materials classified by chemical composition: copper and copper alloy materials, aluminum and aluminum alloy materials, lead and lead alloy material, nickel and nickel alloy materials, titanium and titanium alloy materials. Classified according to shape, can be divided into: plate, strip, foil, pipes, rods, lines, types and other varieties.
2, recovery type
1. Scrap metal recycling categories: Phosphor Bronze, copper, copper, bronze, brass, copper scrap, aluminum, stainless steel, zinc alloy, lead-free solder, tin articles, tin wire, solder paste, lead, iron and other instries;

2. E-waste recycling categories: e-pin, tin slag, solder paste, scrap circuit boards, obsolete electronic components, scrap wire and cable waste;
3. Rare metal waste recycling categories: nickel, titanium, chromium, rhodium, molybdenum, cobalt powder, gold, silver, tungsten wire, tungsten steel, etc.;

Empty distribution centers, the company has a variety of 5 meters -17 meters long trucks, business radiological and east, south, north, northeast, northwest, southwest, etc. all over the country more than 180 large, medium and small cities and surrounding areas.

With the responsibility to serve the community, to empower the achievements of staff, in order to create a passion for excellence, in order to achieve the development of financial Chile

Companies adhering to the "integrity and pragmatic, lean, innovative" corporate culture, fostering the "team up" spirit of enterprise, adhere to the "customer-focused, market-oriented" philosophy, determined to China's environmental protection, human environment and make a greater contribution.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 02:43

1) non-ferrous metals are divided into pure metals, light metals, precious metals, semi-metal and rare five.

(2) non-ferrous metal alloy system will be delivered by: heavy non-ferrous metal alloys, light non-ferrous metal alloys, noble metal alloy, alloy and other rare metals; use can be viewed by alloy: deformation (pressure processing alloy), cast alloy, bearing alloys, printing alloys, tungsten carbide, solder, master alloys, metal powder and so on.

(3) non-ferrous materials classified by chemical composition: copper and copper alloy materials, aluminum and aluminum alloy materials, lead and lead alloy material, nickel and nickel alloy materials, titanium and titanium alloy materials. Classified according to shape, it can be divided into: plate, strip, foil, pipes, rods, lines, types and other varieties.

2, recovery type

1. Scrap metal recycling categories: Phosphor Bronze, copper, copper, bronze, brass, copper scrap, aluminum, stainless steel, zinc alloy, lead-free solder, tin articles, tin wire, solder paste, lead, iron and other instries;

      2. E-waste recycling categories: e-pin, tin slag, solder paste, scrap circuit boards, obsolete electronic components, scrap wire and cable waste;

      3. Scrap metals recycling categories: nickel, titanium, chromium, rhodium, molybdenum, cobalt powder, gold, silver, tungsten wire, tungsten steel, etc.;

Empty distribution centers, the company has a variety of 5 m -17 m long vehicles, business radiological and east, south, north, northeast, northwest, southwest across the country more than 180 large, medium and small cities and surrounding areas.

With the responsibility to serve the community, to empower the achievements of the staff to create a passion for excellence, in order to achieve development financial Chile

Company uphold the "integrity and pragmatic, lean, innovative" corporate culture, fostering the "team up" spirit of enterprise, adhere to the "customer-focused, market-oriented" philosophy, determined to Chinese environmental protection, human environment and make a greater contribution.

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